03-03-2023 08:39 AM
03-03-2023 03:35 PM
04-01-2023 11:54 PM
I purchased 2 X Trident Z5 RGB (F5-5600J3636D32GX2-TZ5RK) for a total of 127GB. Installed in my ROG Z690-E Gaming WIFI motherboard with the latest BIOS 2305.
Outcome: Unable to hit 5600 Mhz no matter what I try.
What I did: Flash BIOS, set to XMP 1, downgrade to 4600 Mhz. Been rock stable since. Sad that it is not able to hit 5600 Mhz. Hope that future BIOS upgrade will resolve the issue. When free, will try to adjust the voltage to 1.3 and see if I am able to hit 5200 Mhz.
04-04-2023 07:44 AM
intel are real picky when it comes to mixing ram, if you want it to work, buy ONE PACK of the disired ram you want, mix 2 and you get the problem you have now, or worst case it will not work at all.
04-02-2023 04:16 AM
If I remember what I saw correctly, using a massive kit like 128gb on 4 channels makes the motherboards drop clocks, I forget the reason, I think its to do with the load on the moBO when powering so much RAM. I am pretty sure its universal thing, you want mass, you lose speed. Hence you can run 64gb in dual channel fine but not 128gb quad.
04-02-2023 10:32 PM
Problem is that at this time, Z790 Hero still doesn't suppor 4 Slot of Corsair memory, only two, but it's matter of time that eventually it accept 4.
Check QVL (Qualified Vendor List) periodically: ASUS Z790 Hero Memory QVL , so in the next BIOS version it would be supported.
04-03-2023 08:50 AM
It a assumption question if Asus going to adopt it to for QVL, but it all if Corsair able to provide adequate requirement to adhere the what the requirement by Asus QVL specification requirement.
07-21-2023 07:03 AM
I have Trident 4 x 32GB modules - F5-6400J3239G32GX2-TZ5RK. With 1202 Bios still runs at 4800. I just built my machine and will start tweaking it to see if I can get it to run faster. I know it will never go above 5600. After all that's all the 13900 can support.
Here is Intel's chart.