my Z790 Hero is setup as the following:
XMP Tweaked
Unlimited Power
AI Optimized for both P and E.
Best Case Scenario
Under this setup, IA = 1.420. CInbench R23 pass without problem. Looks stable. However, during normal desktop usage. Had Apple Music running and ACDSee.. ( just browsing picture). after a min or 2 of browsing family photo.. ACDsee would crash.. or Apple Music would crash. and event manager would have some WHEA error and some core.

System seems stable if I change it to Typical Scenario. LL4.
However, the IA is now at IA = 1.447. it is stable
CIneBench R23 bench fine.
Running both Apple Music and ACDsee, no issue at all. No WHEA error

Test number 3: Back to Best Case Scenario and CPU LL5
IA = 1.407
CineBench R23 bench fine.
Apple Music and ACDSee works fine too. No WHEA error

Question : is What is the difference between Best Case Scenario vs Typical? What are adjustment done between them? It looks like on my MB/CPU combo, Vdroop between LL4 and LL5 causes issue.