I updated from BIOS 1603 to 1620 and I noticed some BIOS settings stopped working: Global Core SVID Voltage [Adaptive Mode] and V/F Offset Points are among these, another user on the forum reported problems with RING as well.
I applied the same BIOS settings on both BIOS 1603 and 1620 and tested thoroughly with HWinfo with the following self-explainatory results
Voltage offsets are ignored, Global Core SVID in this example. The same happens when specifiying custom V/F Offset Points values.
Here I attach the BIOS settings I applied on 1603 and 1620, obtaining the results shown above. I contacted asus support direcly but they gave me a vague reply, not acknowledging the problem.
Similar issues appears on BIOS 1720 (ROG motherboards)