Z690-I owner here. Similar config w/ 12700K (stock), 2x16GB G. Skill DDR5 6000, Founders 3080Ti, 2x2GB Samsung 980 Pros watercooled with a custom loop in an Ncase M1 v6.1. Using BIOS 1003 for the past week.
0811 seemed a bit problematic for me, but to be fair I was still tuning the RAM at that time. 1003 has been rock stable.
I know there are issues with running two hardware monitoring programs concurrently and this can lead to system instability and unpredictable crashes. It seems you're not running them simultaneously but still having issues, correct?
I run HWinfo all the time, however I use the portable version, so it's not installed
per se on the system. The only thing it's not monitoring is the the legacy Asus embedded controller. The mouseover tooltip for that controller states that monitoring it can lead to instability in rare cases.
I'd suggest taking a chance on BIOS 1003 and disabling PCI Express Native Power Management in BIOS Advanced\ Platform Misc Configuration to avoid the WHEA 17 errors that plague the Asus boards right now when this feature is enabled. Additionally, completely uninstall and and clean Argus and HWinfo. Use the portable HWinfo with the Asus EC sensor disabled if you need monitoring. A clean Windows 11 install may give you peace of mind if you want to be sure everything is scrubbed.
Retest stability. My minimum for DDR5 is Karhu with 6400% coverage followed by 20 cycles of TM5 using anta777 extreme profile.
Final nitpicky point: Are you using an older PSU from a previous system. The Corsair SFX750 had problems. Units manufactured between October of 2019 to March of 2020 – with lot codes 194448xx to 201148xx were recalled. You may want to look at the sticker just to be sure if applicable. Ref:
https://forum.corsair.com/forums/topic/160988-sf-series-voluntary-product-replacement/Sounds like a frustrating problem. Hope you get it sorted out.