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What is your 13900K MC SP Score

Level 11

I would like to know what is a normal MC SP score for 13900K? 

I have Z790 Hero with 13900K.  My

MC SP score is 67. 

P SP 107

E SP 83

Is that just average?  I read someone's post, and it says they have MC SP score of 87?   That is alot more then my score.



Level 10

My 13900k has a MC SP of 73.  Can't remember what the P and E scores are, but it has an over all SP of 99.

Level 13

how are you guys getting your mc sp? mine disappeared from my bios a couple of bios versions ago

Extreme Tweaker \ AI Features \ Get MC SP

Go to the Extreme Tweaker page and scroll most of the way down to AI Features.  In AI Features, click on Get MC SP.

there is no option for me like that. i am on the latest bios 1202 z790 strix E

Likely not available on Strix boards, then.

9800X3D / 6400 CAS32 / ROG X870 Crosshair / TUF RTX 4090

Super Moderator


roughly speaking,

80+ above average  

70 to 80 average 

Below 70 below average 

These are not applicable to core strength, only memory controller.

My 13900KS is 74. Don’t get too caught up on the scores, 87 is a very good IMC. With the memory kits available, most CPU should be able to achieve reasonable speeds.

9800X3D / 6400 CAS32 / ROG X870 Crosshair / TUF RTX 4090

Level 11

So... IMC = Integrated Memory Controller

Based on what i read from @Silent_Scone, MC SP is for Memory Controller Speed?  Then i dont feel too bad about only getting 67.  its only a 7200Mhz module dual dim kit.

MC SP.jpg

MC SP 1.jpgCinebench R23.jpg

My Cinebench R23 score seems to be ok...

Correct. MC SP = Memory Controller

Even CPUs on the lower end of the spectrum should be able to achieve stability with most kits on the market. The better samples will shine above 8K validation on the Apex, mostly.

9800X3D / 6400 CAS32 / ROG X870 Crosshair / TUF RTX 4090


@Silent_Scone wrote:

Correct. MC SP = Memory Controller

Even CPUs on the lower end of the spectrum should be able to achieve stability with most kits on the market. The better samples will shine above 8K validation on the Apex, mostly.

Meanwhile, my i9-12900k is an 84 SP with an MC SP of 33😳 on the Z690E.  I can't get a 6600MT kit stable at 6000.

I've got half a mind to throw an I9-13900k in there because there's almost no way it could do worse.