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Undervolting 14900K on ASUS HERO Z790 .. please HELP .. super noob here

Level 7
Greetings all .. i hope i can find some answers that could help me
before anything am totally noob when it comes to doing anything to BIOS
i just came from a PC with 3090 asus strix with 12700K on an ASUS STRIX Z690 A and 32 Corsair ram 3600
things were working like dream with no issues at all .. nothing i saw or heared of at least
Decided to make the Ultimate upgrade and Boom .. things went downhill so fast
My new PC specs : 4090 suprim x with 14900k on an ASUS Z790 HERO MAXIMUS .. PSU is 1650 thermaltake GF3 .. CPU cooler CORSAIR i170 Capllex Elite
CASE Has 6 fans as intake " front and side " and 4 exhaust "" 3 on radiator and one in back "
PC runs cold most of time with no issues ..
clean installed windows 11 and started to face all kinds of issues from crashing to freezes
turns out " am not sure though "
that i have an issue from CPU doing something that keeps getting GPU crashes on some games
specially ones with DX12 or the ones that has shader cashes building before game " Hogwart legacy and THE FINALS for example "
i run stock BIOS settings and the latest BIOS that came out
tried everything to fix this
Fresh install windows and all drives
Updated everything i have on my pc
still no use ... and seems like the ONLY possible thing i can do is undervolting the CPU to see if i get anything better
tried the CINABENCH once on stock and oh boy did i get some reds with THROTTLES and stopped doing that afraid to cause more damage
i tried to install the INTEL EXTREME UTILITY but it seems not doing undervolting anymore
so the only way now is through BIOS sadly
my CPU has a frame on it with Arctic mx4 thermal paste from around 2 months ago so still new
so what i am seeking now is Opinions about all this mess happening
and if anyone has a real - step by step - guide on how to undervolt the 14900k on an ASUS motherboard Bios
" sorry am really teribble when it comes to doing those things "
and if someone has some visual recent guide that would be appreciated

Level 9

So.. OC3DTV recendly make guide how to undervolt 13/14thgen...

But i figured out how properly UV your cpu.. So.. (of course every have own methord Like AC/DC load line) <- i don't like it..

UEFI>ADVANCED ALWAYS TAB> if you UV.. don't mess with All core ratio that i show you... you undervolting stock 14Th gen..

So Find on the bottom SVID core voltage.. and this tricky part.. i suggest put value on "offset" and - > -0.7000 set it 

then go to Internal CPU managment go to LoadLineCalibration> set it to 5-6-7 i suggest 6 for stability.

Save and here you go in games about 7-10c lower. 

Test it called Cinebench r23 program run it multiple times..

And lastly like i said EVERYONE have own method you will wait forever to make some proper guide every cpu is different i spend too much time on UV.. best method i think its mine..

 That’s a huge undervolt. It’s important to note that setting things this way is a global offset that is applied to the entire V/F curve, which is why you’re needing to compensate with so much loadline. (Remember, vdroop is a good thing).

9800X3D / 6400 CAS32 / ROG X870 Crosshair / TUF RTX 4090

Yeah but works... not like youtube videos to tweak VRM core that for me its not work as expected.

CoreSVID is the best i get 0.11000 for my cpu .. svid behaviour is second best and third is ICC MAX set 307A .

It probably does work, yes. Because you’re compensating with a ton of LLC, which is not ideal.

9800X3D / 6400 CAS32 / ROG X870 Crosshair / TUF RTX 4090

thank you so much for all this info .. at least i have some few tricks to try in case nothing works / came up

as i already said .. beein using PCs for over 20 years now and never faced such problems before .. usually i just plug and play ..

just hoping any of this effectively works without losing performance

and i am already deciding never to buy any Intel i9s if they will ever cause any more issues like the ones reported for 13th and 14th

i just want the safest / zero issues undervolt .. what offset voltage do you suggest ?

For hassle free is svid behavior and setting 307A on ICC current.

Already suggested. Disable MCE and retest stability. Tuning the system should come secondary.

Consider remounting the CPU. Your fixation on not doing this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense given the frame has a direct impact on socket pressure and thus stability. The system should not be unstable at Optimised Defaults.


9800X3D / 6400 CAS32 / ROG X870 Crosshair / TUF RTX 4090

Level 9

But if you see you CANT MAKE IT somehow.. heres even better for you..

Turn off MCE this asus thing "enforce all limits" 

Go to Internal CPU managment SET AMPS(ICC MAX) to 307A "yes you will throttle clocks" but you will have good temps and performance pretty much stays same.. 

its up to you.. what you choose..

There is 3rd option in only asus bios..

Advanced tab 

You will have 

SVID behavior > set it to best case scenario

but .... highly recomended put LLC ON 6-7.. on 5 mine crash..