01-16-2023 03:24 PM
01-18-2023 01:02 AM
01-18-2023 07:10 AM
01-19-2023 08:05 AM
01-19-2023 11:26 AM
01-20-2023 06:35 AM
MaKo82 wrote:
How would I boot into safe mode if I can't install Windows?
01-20-2023 09:26 AM
panzlock wrote:
My mistake. Thought you were trying to reinstall because W11 was giving you problems, but you still had original installation but unable to load due to freezing.
Let's go back a while. The problem occurred shortly after you assembled and ran your new PC, with W11 freezing when the PC was booting, right?
So now the drive is completely empty, formatted, etc...???
I just want it to be clear to me while I troubleshoot.
I'm old. You understand.
I am still leaning toward drive issues or BIOS/Drivers.
01-20-2023 04:10 AM
01-20-2023 06:45 AM
01-20-2023 07:10 AM
JohnAb wrote:
We're all getting old panzlock lol. The years just keep flying past...