01-16-2023 03:24 PM
01-28-2023 07:04 AM
01-28-2023 08:37 AM
01-28-2023 10:16 AM
01-28-2023 10:57 PM
01-29-2023 07:40 AM
01-29-2023 10:09 AM
tomersa wrote:
So how come this kind of "stress" test is working fine, but some simple copying windows files doesn't? This system really behaves very strange. :cool:
01-29-2023 11:01 AM
MaKo82 wrote:
I asked a PC repair place I took it to the exact same question, "Why would the everything run fine in the BIOS, even run thru a full MemTest if there was something wrong?." He said the BIOS uses very little resources and if the CPU were bad it really wouldn't show (in my case), but the second you start throwing more complicated calculations at it, that's when the faults show. My CPU was running within normal temps during Memtest. 40-50c, the bad one.
01-29-2023 07:53 AM
01-29-2023 08:23 AM