08-12-2022 09:43 PM
08-29-2022 05:19 AM
08-29-2022 06:10 AM
Zardoc wrote:
I'm still offered updates even if 1702 is installed.
Boot is way slower since this force update. Even if I roll back boot is slower.
I have the exact same board in another room (same set-up) that did not update bios and the speed issue is not present.
Can't have more proof than that!!
What a mess. :mad:
08-29-2022 07:10 AM
08-29-2022 08:38 AM
Wolfsaccount wrote:
And don't forget, Z690 for Asus is now old stuff, because Z790 Boards have priority of manpower!
08-29-2022 03:09 PM
08-29-2022 05:19 PM
akgis_ wrote:
What a mess.
@Asus you need to improve communication with your customers.
* "Improve System stability" on the bios changelog its not enough! If there is security fixes we need to know as some mod as talked about! I been stable on 1505 and havent updated yet was about to do it from this bios but the whole voltage problem have stoped me, if there is security fixes let us KNOW, I need to keep my system secure.
* undervoltings is also part of OCing, on GPUs undervolting is massive gains in power usage and temps for a fractional of fps cost or no cost at all, ppl buy better power deliver mobos not to always chase LN2 or whatever scores, ppl also buy them to have more stability run the system cooler when needed but also turn it to eleven when they desired.
Now that the whole auto bios update has been "fixed" it seems, ppl that got it automatic have workarounds by deleting files or disabling firmware, Asos need to work on the 1720 voltage issues, if the ucode from Intel is doing the Voltage shenanigans we need to know that the issue is being looked up from Intel or atlest that you are passing the feedback to your provider(intel), that you are QAing the problem not turning a deaf ear.
You guys seem keen to get reports about the automatic updates but not asking for feedback about the 1720 voltage issues, but ppl are giving feedback and you guys aren't responding.
08-30-2022 02:48 AM
akgis_ wrote:
What a mess.
@Asus you need to improve communication with your customers.
* "Improve System stability" on the bios changelog its not enough! If there is security fixes we need to know as some mod as talked about! I been stable on 1505 and havent updated yet was about to do it from this bios but the whole voltage problem have stoped me, if there is security fixes let us KNOW, I need to keep my system secure.
* undervoltings is also part of OCing, on GPUs undervolting is massive gains in power usage and temps for a fractional of fps cost or no cost at all, ppl buy better power deliver mobos not to always chase LN2 or whatever scores, ppl also buy them to have more stability run the system cooler when needed but also turn it to eleven when they desired.
Now that the whole auto bios update has been "fixed" it seems, ppl that got it automatic have workarounds by deleting files or disabling firmware, Asos need to work on the 1720 voltage issues, if the ucode from Intel is doing the Voltage shenanigans we need to know that the issue is being looked up from Intel or atlest that you are passing the feedback to your provider(intel), that you are QAing the problem not turning a deaf ear.
You guys seem keen to get reports about the automatic updates but not asking for feedback about the 1720 voltage issues, but ppl are giving feedback and you guys aren't responding.
08-30-2022 09:06 AM
MasterC@ROG wrote:
There are no new features except for new CPU support. 'Improved system stability' is a bit vague but simply means updates to certain parameters to increase the margin for memory (RAM). This may allow some sticks which weren't stable to work properly. To be clear, this does not mean the QVL has been updated.
08-30-2022 02:53 AM
Zardoc wrote:
I'm still offered updates even if 1702 is installed.
Boot is way slower since this force update. Even if I roll back boot is slower.
I have the exact same board in another room (same set-up) that did not update bios and the speed issue is not present.
Can't have more proof than that!!
What a mess. :mad:
08-30-2022 05:05 AM