Hello all,
I have a problem with my Asus Z690 Strix D4.
I use a 12900k and windows 10.
I have installed the latest bios 0707.
In Winsows 10 I unfortunately have the problem that i cant disable "Cora Parking".
I can not deactivate it.
In the bios I have turned off all power saving options.
But unfortunately in Winwos the cores are still parked.
I have also tried to use the porgram "ParkControle".
Here you can see how all P-Cores are parked.
If this would be only in idle so I would have no problem, but also in games like
Battlefield 2042 cores are parked which leads to performance drops.
Does anyone have the same problem?
EDIT: When i disable the E-Cores Core parking is disabled, what is this behavior? I am confused....
(In taskmanager the cores are parked too.)