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Rog strix z490-i gaming new bios

Level 7
Has anyone tried the new bios of ROG STRIX Z490-I GAMING?
I did and upgrade to this new one and my pc kept restarting without stopping
until i did Bios flash back
Any help

Él mismo problema no deja actualizar a 2301 y en la bios 2201 no deja activar el TMP desde la biosÂ*

scgt1 wrote:
Can all you do a troubleshooting step and verify which version of Intel ME F/W your running?
Pull up the run command (windows key+R or by clicking the magnifying glass on the taskbar) then type Device Manager. Once in go to System Devices right click on Intel Management Engine Interface and Properties then select the Firmware tab

Then report back which F/W version your running.

I believe I discovered the issue yesterday and have been in contact with Asus Tech over the matter but having this information requested above will solidify the problem cause.

My ME firmware version is Hope it helps

Mountainlifter wrote:
My ME firmware version is Hope it helps

You also get the boot loop once you flash 2301 correct?

Also if your on 2201 are you able to enable PTT and it actually keep the setting?

scgt1 wrote:
You also get the boot loop once you flash 2301 correct?

Also if your on 2201 are you able to enable PTT and it actually keep the setting?

Yes, I get the boot loop with 2301. I flashed back to 2201 and it works well.

I have not tested PTT yet. I will try it and report back later.

Level 8
I pulled the trigger and did the RMA. The new board came with 2301 and it worked fine (no boot loops). I guess it's very likely that it's a hardware issue...

hankcnyc wrote:
I pulled the trigger and did the RMA. The new board came with 2301 and it worked fine (no boot loops). I guess it's very likely that it's a hardware issue...

The ME Fw version of the new board is which is the same as the latest on the official website, and predates the version my old board has. Now highly suspects it's the ME's fault causing all these issues.

hankcnyc wrote:
I pulled the trigger and did the RMA. The new board came with 2301 and it worked fine (no boot loops). I guess it's very likely that it's a hardware issue...

Hope there's a working ME + BIOS update for the rest of us in the future.

Level 8
Well I've had enough of the back and forth with canned copy paste responses from Asus CS dept. How they expect to get anything done when every single time it's a different rep replying to questions asked I have no idea. I've probably had 10 or so emails with the same basic copy paste response. So nice to see this is still how Asus CS handles things after so many years.

I've ordered another board and when it gets here Amazon can have the current one back. Have a $2,300 computer sitting here I need to get moving so i can recoup my investment and I've been tied up for a month now with trying to get it through to someone at Asus to just update the bios or fix 2201 so the PTT setting actually saves in the bios.

So if someone else wants to take up the fun with CS have at it I'm done!

scgt1 wrote:
Well I've had enough of the back and forth with canned copy paste responses from Asus CS dept. How they expect to get anything done when every single time it's a different rep replying to questions asked I have no idea. I've probably had 10 or so emails with the same basic copy paste response. So nice to see this is still how Asus CS handles things after so many years.

I've ordered another board and when it gets here Amazon can have the current one back. Have a $2,300 computer sitting here I need to get moving so i can recoup my investment and I've been tied up for a month now with trying to get it through to someone at Asus to just update the bios or fix 2201 so the PTT setting actually saves in the bios.

So if someone else wants to take up the fun with CS have at it I'm done!

Wasn't there another thread you created where the Asus mod said he was escalating it ? What ever happened to that?

EDIT: Also, didn't microsoft themselves release some method to bypass the bios requirement for Win11?

Mountainlifter wrote:
Wasn't there another thread you created where the Asus mod said he was escalating it ? What ever happened to that?

EDIT: Also, didn't microsoft themselves release some method to bypass the bios requirement for Win11?

I assume this was their canned response (Much like the repeated copy paste email responses from 20 different people) to the issue which is impossible to do at this point.
You can't run an older version of Intel ME FW over a newer version. LOL What's done is done and the only way around it is an RMA or for Asus to update the 2301 bios file or to release a new one that supports the past 3 versions of the ME FW.

We all know Asus is extremely slow with supporting their products properly and many devices just loose support all together . Which in this case it's a device breaking problem technically with the inability to upgrade to windows 11 when MS is going to eventually stop support for 10. I mean it's an Intel board (along with many others I'm sure like my Z490-G which also has this problem) Intel released updated files the manufacturer of said board should be on the ball and already releasing updates so their board fully supports the platform it's built around. Yet here was are at least 3 updates in and nothing for several users here on the forum . Along with thousands of others that don't use these forums I'm sure.

I just don't really get why their support system doesn't assign ONE CS rep to each ticket so the response you get is coming from the same person that already knows what is going on. Would speed this process up and you wouldn't have to keep repeating yourself over and over again. Last time I dealt with support over emails it was over their 3D print I/O design for an older G motherboard I believe. The way it was designed if you attached the cover it blocked the top (main) pci-e x16 lane. This took 3 months to get them to redesign it and send the proper file. I also don't think they ever updated the file that people download . Like why wouldn't you do that? LOL

CS department has been lacking for years yet it appears it's still the same as it's always been. People all over forums talk so bad about Asus support and rma's well I can kinda see why when a process has to go the way it does and take so da%n long like it does. It's almost like they try to drag it out and bounce you between this person and that ignoring what you told them you've already done to get you to do exactly what I decided to do so they don't have to help you anymore.

If I didn't need to recoup this investment of trying to get a game rig into the hands of an actual gamer and not a scalper getting their hands on the gpu that is in it I would stick this nonsense out another few months so it gets fixed for everyone. I'm to the point now after a month I can't wait anymore and need the funds replenished that I invested. Can't have $2,300 ish just sitting on a table in my office covered up doing nothing.

Sure I could have just sent the board in for RMA but at my cost for shipping when this is an Asus problem of being behind on updating their support software? At what kind of time would this process have taken this day and age? Them replacing the bios chip or what ever it is they would replace to bypass this issue wouldn't fix it for everyone else that has this same exact problem. The only "REAL" fix to this boot loop issue for people that have updated the ME FW past the supported version's across all their board models is to provide the customers that make their company continue to be a company an actual solid fix which is a bios version that has support baked in for these newer versions of Intel ME FW.

Sure wish a survey could be taken into all board owners that have 300-500 series boards that have tried to update to these "win 11 ready bios files" that can't actually update to the file because of running up to date ME FW. I'm sure it's effecting a ton more people then you would think.