2 hours ago I saw the new bios update 1701 and updated my bios. I used USB stick to update. After the update, I cant boot into windows. I have 2 m2 SSD pcie express 3.0. When my pc tries to go into windows, it just freezes. I have to cut the power. I can go into bios but cant even boot into USB to try reformating windows. When I try to boot into USB it freeze again. Also I tried to roll back bios to the previous version using flashback and Ez flash, I get not proper bios file error. Also, flashback just stuck with green light.
TLDR: Cant boot into windows, freezes.
Flashback and Ez Flash wont let me rollback.
I managed to roll back to older version but problem still persists. When pc try to boot m2 ssd or windows usb. It freezes. It was working just fine before I update this version. What would be the cause to freeze when loading windows or usb stick.