05-21-2020 12:58 AM
04-12-2021 11:17 AM
04-26-2021 12:24 AM
04-26-2021 05:17 AM
05-23-2021 06:14 AM
RobertoSampaio wrote:
The power of ASUS OCTVB !!!
56X4 - 55X6 - 54X8 - 53X10 (+2Bosst profile)
05-23-2021 10:36 AM
ThrashZone wrote:
Nice clocks but that r23 score is not very good at all lol
I got 18018 at 5.3 lol think even this is low maybe 4k memory needs better optimization I'm still on old 0606 bios doubt any newer ones are worth bothering with from newer posts here maybe 0901 is worth a shot
If this forum wasn't so restrictive on file size I'd upload it
You can see it on TPU though
04-27-2021 04:20 AM
Betroz wrote:
Hey 🙂
I am running the old 0901 BIOS on my Z490 Apex + 10900K + 2080Ti setup. Have Asus done any other improvements to their newest BIOS other than add support for 11900K and Re-Size BAR?
@Shamino and others
05-24-2021 05:33 AM
Betroz wrote:
Looks like this thread is dead. Everyone is on Z590 + 11900K I guess.
05-24-2021 01:55 PM
kvarq wrote:
z590 + 10900K
I was bored before, well, now not anymore =))
Apex XIII is the worst board ever had, although everything was smooth on Apex XII, now it loops from time to time, or stays frozen when restarting, don't know if is due to faulty design or ****ty bios, there are lots of issues there...