05-21-2020 12:58 AM
07-02-2020 07:12 AM
07-02-2020 09:21 PM
Arne Saknussemm wrote:
It might not be official official...but if Shamino posts it, it's official and that's official...unofficially....
07-03-2020 12:51 AM
denisgcarvalho wrote:
thanks. you were more polite. do you know the improvements of this bios?
07-04-2020 10:49 AM
Lotzi wrote:
Peter thx for Bios 0704 for ROG Strix E Gaming
07-06-2020 05:46 AM
07-06-2020 06:35 AM
denisgcarvalho wrote:
when I turn on the PC I notice that it always goes through code 00 "checking CPU" and then changes then and starts normal. Normal this procedure?
07-06-2020 09:18 AM
Arne Saknussemm wrote:
Yes perfectly normal...as long as it doesn't hang there for long 😉
07-06-2020 09:39 AM
denisgcarvalho wrote:
There are some programs, like aida64 that does not identify all sensors on the motherboard. Everything is fine!
07-06-2020 01:57 PM
AuAuStikkelsbær wrote:
Hi latest AIDA64 beta does support XII Formula sensors for me 🙂