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Why are these headers there?

Level 7
Hello everyone,
I have just bought a beautiful mb, the rog strix h370-I.
I' am putting together the system and I come across two headers (if they are headers) I can't understand why they are there.

There are no references about them in the manual ( and I cant find anything on the web.

I'm pretty new on building pc so, if anyone can give me a hint, it would be great.
Here there are two pics of them, one is at the side of the audio header, the other it is above the nvme slot:


Level 12
First graphic is Communication debug (com_debug) - whatever that means.
Second graphic I can't see anything on m/b about it but it looks like usb pin layout (you need to photograph the writing on motherboard about it, if there is some.)

Both, as you said, are undocumented in the motherboard manual and this maybe as they are only for probe/debug work. Users never need to use them.