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Where is USB Port #0010?

Level 9
Asus Maximus X Formula

I've tried to find a drawing that shows the USB layout with port numbers, but I can't find any.

I've got the "ordinary" problem with unknown USB device that we all get from time to time, and I thought the easiest way to fix it is to find out what the heck is connected to that USB port, but since disconnecting all my USB devices doesn't fix the problem need to know exactly what device this is, thus I need to find the port in question.

Level 9
I'm wondering if it could be the USB port marked BIOS since the 3 next to it are 7, 8 and 9. But there's nothing connected to that USB port.

Level 9
Ok, I've found it. It's the one marked BIOS. The damned thing is that even if I disable it, it will "find it", again and again. When I check Aida64 it is found as "No device connected". So it's obviously a ghost-driver or whatever they call these things. I had to disable the sound for that event to none, and deny explorer from giving notifications. That way there's no visual or audible warnings, which is ok, as I don't actually need to be warned if I connect and re-connect the mouse or whatever, and if something doesn't work, I can easily enough open Device Manager and check.