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Strix STRIX Z270E Realtek audio Problems.

Level 7
Realtek audio on this board is very flat and poor sounding.
Enhancment tab is missing and only shows "disable all enhancements".
All features are missing! Equalizer is the one I really need.
Please see screen shot.
Tried reinstalls different realtek drivers, latest realtek driver etc.

I am very experienced building Systems and have run into problems with my Z270E built on Realtek audio.
The audio quality is very substandard very flat sounding.
On top of that I have tried about everything and anyone would normally try over several months to figure this out
Different drivers, complete clean installs etc.

The first issue I am running to is there are NO audio enhancements available.
Doesn't matter which driver I use they are not there.

I tried the audio driver that is available on the ASUS page for my mother board..
This come with it's own "audio manager software"
This has an EQ in it but sound is still very flat/muffled 8K and 16K sliders make no difference in sound.

Why are the enhancements gone if I just install the Realtek driver look normal?

If I switch to a different model MB (Z170) or if I plug in a simple USB audio device sound quality is MUCH better and
on any other Motherboard with Realtek audio all the enhancements work and audio sounds great.



Sonic Studio 3's EQ works great and has good range but as you say the very end sliders do not work, here is a little video I recorded, the sound effects are found in basic mode.

Um yes the top end response is gone (doesn't do anything).

Any thoughts here?

Also without sonic studio why are the generic Realtek drivers and software not working as expected? No enhancements
and none of Realtek's audio utilities that are installed actually run (when you try to run them).

The end sliders of the EQ have been that way for as long as I can remember, it's not a big deal though.

It seems the enhancements are disabled when using a stereo headset, configuring the audio channel to 5.1 brings up the enhancements, it may also bring up the enhancements setting it to quadraphonic or 7.1.

Thanks for your help.
The lack of upper frequency control actually *is* a big deal to me and no enhancements when using two channel stereo is also a big deal.
I can clearly hear the difference when I use a different motherboard that is using built in realtek audio (Z170-A)
I think you are trying to say that it doesn't matter that the sliders don't work.
Even when I run sonic studio I can hear the difference and that the upper end is missing/muffled.
Plug in the Z170-A board or my laptop (also realtek audio) and much better upper end sound.

Paid extra for this high end board and the audio issue(s) is a setback.

At this point I'm either going to just return the board get my money back and go with a different option or bite it and buy a sound card for it.

I'm sure people are going to comment here that anyone picky about audio quality shouldn't be using the built on audio (they always do)
But I usually have satisfactory results with Realtek audio once I install the latest drivers and adjust the EQ to my preference.

This board is the only exception I have ever run into and am unable to do that and it sounds muffled out of the box.
It's different.

Obviously nobody really gives a rip about this issue.
I'm that one guy.
Audio quality and support on this board is abysmal.
I made an effort.
Audio quality on other lower class boards (Z170-A) for example have EQ sliders enabled with the driver (I've tried a number of drivers) including the latest
download on Realtek's driver resource page.
And the audio manager utility (that comes with the Realtek driver have the EQ enable and sliders that works properly and audio quality is great.

At the end of the day I just installed a sound card and was done with it.

That was my only choice other than to get a different motherboard model.

N8LBV wrote:
Thanks for your help.
The lack of upper frequency control actually *is* a big deal to me and no enhancements when using two channel stereo is also a big deal.
I can clearly hear the difference when I use a different motherboard that is using built in realtek audio (Z170-A)
I think you are trying to say that it doesn't matter that the sliders don't work.
Even when I run sonic studio I can hear the difference and that the upper end is missing/muffled.
Plug in the Z170-A board or my laptop (also realtek audio) and much better upper end sound.

Paid extra for this high end board and the audio issue(s) is a setback.

At this point I'm either going to just return the board get my money back and go with a different option or bite it and buy a sound card for it.

I'm sure people are going to comment here that anyone picky about audio quality shouldn't be using the built on audio (they always do)
But I usually have satisfactory results with Realtek audio once I install the latest drivers and adjust the EQ to my preference.

This board is the only exception I have ever run into and am unable to do that and it sounds muffled out of the box.
It's different.