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ROG VI Hero or Asus z87 Pro

Level 7
I am looking to build a new i5 4670k PC. It seems like these two mobos are the best value on the market right now, but I'm having trouble deciding between them. The ROG Hero would cost $50 more than the z87 Pro (newegg bundle).

I may OC a little, but I don't plan on doing anything crazy. My main goal with this PC is to be able to play & stream modern games on high settings to twitch with 1080p resolution.

Level 14
well the hero have a more extended bios feture then the non ROG board ( well i have not seen it yet ( bios menu that is ) ).
the hero have mpcie card combo wifi/BT4.0 ( and you can add ssd on it or what you want to do ).
you can get the OC key if thats an option it does not come boundled whit the HERO as it does whit the extreeme.
bether sound ( i have not heard it my self so ), sonic rarad ( overlay )
well all in all its a good mobo i think, but if you want to go whit the pro then do so and spend the extra money on the video card ( if your gona buy that too )

Level 7
Thank you for the reply. For that matter will I see any performance difference between either of these boards and say the z87-A?

Keep in mind if I do OC it would be very minimal if at all.

It's been awhile since there's been any noticeable performance differences between board models. These days it's all about the extra features each boards have.

The ROG board is targeted towards overclockers and power users.

I personally had the same confliction as you did. I ended up going with the pro over the ROG Hero. (There's little to no availability of the ROG boards wholesale)

I'm not a big overclocker and I also use my own soundcard (Creative Z ) so the extra features from the ROG don't really appeal to me.

No matter which board you end up with you'll be fine. Both are excellent products

TBronchito wrote:
Thank you for the reply. For that matter will I see any performance difference between either of these boards and say the z87-A?

Keep in mind if I do OC it would be very minimal if at all.
USA ASUS Reseller

Level 14
not realy, in sound if thats an option and bether components on the board, but its more for special interested persons 😉
if its only for pure gaming they are both equal i would guess.
i havent used a normal board in years.
go for 16 gig of memory, ONE KIT ONLY ( collected chips in ONE pack , not 2 or 3 or 4 packs of single chips ).
and look at the windows version you have/gona get if it supports more then 16 gig of memory.
if you have the monney, take a look at the gtx780 card ( unless your going for AMD card ) its close up to the titan card ( just around 10-15% diffrence between them in performance in game ).