05-15-2021 02:20 AM
07-13-2021 06:00 PM
07-13-2021 06:33 PM
07-17-2021 07:36 PM
07-20-2021 05:05 AM
AsusExplorer wrote:
I note that ASUS did redesign the VRM for the Dark version- although if this was the root cause then I'd expect a lot more people to be complaining than I can see.
07-21-2021 04:36 PM
RedSector73 wrote:
The redesign is to take advantage of automatic overclocking/underclocking through the board (on dark hero). Not because there was any VRM issue, the VRM's are complete overkill for the job.
Can I suggest backing off the CPU heatsink screws 1/4 turn and see if the issue continues (monitor temps but see if this helps).
07-21-2021 09:48 PM
07-22-2021 02:15 AM
RedSector73 wrote:
The idea is to deal with intermittently failure to start and eliminate another possible cause. 1/4 turn back of the screw will not affect temps unless you already don't do them up snug, still you can monitor and adjust back if this does not resolve the issue.
08-07-2021 10:09 PM
08-07-2021 10:28 PM