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Radeon HD 7950 TriFire temperatures

Level 12
Hey all,

I'm seeing Aida64 report some strange temp readings for my three HD 7950s.

I've attached two screenshots that detail the report:

A note:
Opt 1: Air temperature intake
Opt 2: Case internal air temperature over CPU
Opt 3: Water temperature in loop (CPU and motherboard)


As you can see, my middle GPU is a full 15 - 17 degrees C cooler than the top and bottom cards.

Clock speeds are all identical at time of reading, and as you can see, voltage and power usage are comparable across all three.

I ALWAYS re-paste new GPUs with Noctua's TIM, so these are not factory pasted.

Is it possible I did a great job on one and awful job on the other two? I haven't repasted yet, but will soon and update.

Any ideas?


Edit: I forgot to mention that this screenshot was taken after twenty minutes of RealBench v2 stress testings.

Level 40
Your avatar suggests you get excited by naked maybe the paste job was dodgy 😉

The first card should be hotter definitely than second or third... so, maybe the question is over the third card temps...maybe should be like second...

Realbench does not stress GPUs...

Level 14
for GPU's you need a graphic tester.
try the uningine ones and see if that makes enny diffrence.

Level 12
The Realbench stress test has always caused my GPUs up into the higher temp ranges, so I didn't think about it further.

I'll try it out with Furmark and update.


5 minutes using Geek3D Furmark - same thing is happening. Temps are just a little higher.


And after a half-hour on Skyrim running at max graphics settings.



I have just finished testing the system by running the Heaven Benchmark under several configurations.

Say the original card setup was 1:2:3, top:middle:bottom, and that's what I used for the aforementioned reports.

I moved cards to the following configurations, ran the benchmark, and had the same results as before:

1:3:2, 2:1:3, 3:1:2, 3:2:1 - all temperatures high:low:high, relatively speaking.

So, it must just be the way the work is distributed to cards in TriFire, and I suppose this thread can be retired now.

On a side note, my best score in Heaven was achieved with the 2:1:3 config, with all settings set at required values for the affiliated forum:


Dr. Z

Level 40
I like experiments....

Interesting load spread...

Forgot 2,3,1? 😛

Level 12
I'm actually surprised at myself that I tried as many configs as I did - it's pretty obvious to me, at this point, that it has to do with work distribution. But, that only raises more questions for me - haha. I read that X-Fire setups split each screen into a checkerboard pattern, and each GPU renders different sets of frame segments - instead of each card drawing a whole frame.

How accurate is that? I read it on somewhere. If that was the case, I can't help but to think that the load would be more-or-less distributed evenly.


Level 40
Can't be much help there....what I know about XFire will fit on the back of a stamp...and leave room...

But I have read other threads about temps where they seem to fit the First hottest and decreasing from your results surprised me....but things change...drivers change... so maybe that is the new normal....

Level 12
Sounds like it's time for an email to the AMD development team - haha. To clarify, I'm not worried or concerned - I'm just curious about what is actually happening in between those cards.


Level 13
I have 4 XFX HD 7950's. They always ran hot. 1 or two cards running wasn't that bad. If I added a third temps were a bit higher. Adding the fourth card then much higher. The cards are so close they cant breath. on the BENCH I lay two fans on top of the cards one over the power cable area and one laying flat. Drops temps by 10 -15%

Level 12
They're not really running "hot," I think. I just wonder: why is the middle card is so much cooler than the other two?

Well, they'll be on water, all three, in another week or so; I'll see what happens then. 😮

It appears to be normal, though; but, I haven't encountered anyone else with the same question, so that's why I'm curious.