Hello all,
I am going to be going to X79 soon, and I am looking at 2 boards.
The P9X79 WS and the RIVE, and a 3930K.
The P9X79 WS has SSD caching, which I ma VERY interested in for my platter drive, running SSD's for boot and base apps. As well as the rather nice Intel NICs (I usually add those myself anyway).
What does the RIVE offer OVER the P9X79 WS aside from a few more USB ports and PCIE Lanes. Nothing touches PCIE3 bandwidth yet, I have 580s, hoping to go to 670-680s.
I am shooting for 5.0ghz on the proc, I am VERY aware that this is dependant on the individual CPU and its voltage tollerances and memory controller, but that is the goal. I have one of the best loops you can make without going TEC/Chiller, so cooling is top notch, and I am NOT worried about that. Also, expecting to put a full cover block including MOSFET block as well.
For RAM I am looking at a couple of the G.Skill 32gb kits of 2133 (2400 if I can swing the price), would ideally like to go to 64bg, and use some VMs as well as RAMDisk software. Likely I will have to volt the ram or possibly drop it one step for that much volume and the OC, but I am hoping to keep at least 2000.
Does the RIVE offer any advantage in overclocking and long term stability over the P9X79 WS?