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noctua fan

Level 7
What do you make of this one of two fans on my NH-U9B has a ring of oil splatters around it.

Looks like a failed seal as its only on one fan and I don't cook chips in my bedroom, any one got any suggestions?

ittle OG

Maximus VI Impact - I7 4770k - GTX 780 DC2OC
Trident X 2400 2x8Gb - Samsung 840 500Gb - CM120 Elite
Corsair Ax860i - H90 2x CF-V14HP


Not applicable
Noctua = crap, hype

grottslampan wrote:
Noctua = crap, hype

But you won't mind if I have different opinion, right? :cool: The 120mm ones are actually very good! The smaller ones are good too in their size-class, just not as silent as their bigger brothers... 🙂

Not applicable
A tad overprized?

But ok.. The bearings last around 30 years and a nuclear blast, So i guess they are worth it..

Level 40
Not a fan eh? If I were a fan I'd want to be a Noctua!;)

Not applicable
If i were a fan, i'd want to be a wind turbine..:D

and you get a identity boost as well with Noctua, and you dont have to feel like a outcast, when going lan with your pals..

Ok, honestly.. Its my personal opinion about Noctua..

If peolpe like them, ok..

But i dont think they are worth the cash..

What is 5 feet tall, drinking Monster, and dreaming about noctua?


Level 16
Well, guys, if I would have to be a fan, I would like to be a Cougar... I just would beg to not be turned on, as I would puke all over in the system... :cool:

Enlighten us, grottslampan, about "What is 5 feet tall, drinking Monster, and dreaming about noctua?"! 🙂

Level 9
I was going to get Noctua fans for the radiators in my new build.
Are you saying there are fans with more quietness at same static pressure, grottslampen? What is your favorite?

Anyone tried the new SP and AF series from Corsair yet? They are getting some fairly good reviews.
ASUS Maximus V Formula | Intel 3770K | Corsair Vengance 4x4GB 1600

ASUS GTX 680 DC2 TOP | Seasonic X-760 Gold | Lian Li PC70

Samsung 830 256GB | WD Green 3TB | Dell U2711 | Win7 64

Level 7
TR TY-140 = Better

Just ordered 2 from scan also poor color scheme...

ittle OG

Maximus VI Impact - I7 4770k - GTX 780 DC2OC
Trident X 2400 2x8Gb - Samsung 840 500Gb - CM120 Elite
Corsair Ax860i - H90 2x CF-V14HP

Level 12
I would rather be this fan

Being ingnorant and ingnored one post at a time.

Level 16