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noctua fan

Level 7
What do you make of this one of two fans on my NH-U9B has a ring of oil splatters around it.

Looks like a failed seal as its only on one fan and I don't cook chips in my bedroom, any one got any suggestions?

ittle OG

Maximus VI Impact - I7 4770k - GTX 780 DC2OC
Trident X 2400 2x8Gb - Samsung 840 500Gb - CM120 Elite
Corsair Ax860i - H90 2x CF-V14HP


Level 16
Hey nadof1, is that the front or the rear fan based on the airflow? It's hard for me to to imagine, how the oil from the bearing could get there (if the sealing failed) if this fan was on the front of the cooling setup (first based on the airflow direction)...

Level 7
The oil is on both side's of this fan and its the rear of the two fans, the exhaust. The front pull fan is clean.
Also notice the fan has dust stuck to the blades on the blow side but the suck is clean. I have perused the internet and cannot find anything like it.

ittle OG

Maximus VI Impact - I7 4770k - GTX 780 DC2OC
Trident X 2400 2x8Gb - Samsung 840 500Gb - CM120 Elite
Corsair Ax860i - H90 2x CF-V14HP

Level 16
Then maybe both of the fans are leaking some oil... you get it on the intake side from the front push fan and on the exhaust side from itself...

I'm using several Noctuas of all sizes and I never observed this...

Wait a minute! What if the cooler's heatsink fins have been covered with some oily thing to prevent oxidation... that would explain why only your rear pull fan shows this... You could switch the fans to see if it will show up on the previously front/push fan too... 🙂

Level 7
I could not see it before ( wood for the trees 😮 )
But now it stands out like a sore thumb, just one blade.

Back to the shop....

ittle OG

Maximus VI Impact - I7 4770k - GTX 780 DC2OC
Trident X 2400 2x8Gb - Samsung 840 500Gb - CM120 Elite
Corsair Ax860i - H90 2x CF-V14HP

Level 15
You should have a very close inspection of your Mobo, paying direct attention to every single capacitor...just to make sure

Level 7
They swapped it reluctantly , definitely the fan they cleaned it and fired it up in the shop.
After about 15 mins of running flat out, you could see a very faint line of oil down one of the fans and some tiny spots around the edge.

However they had no 92mm fans or a NH-U9B in stock so I went for a NH-C14 instead only £4 more?

Now I have just got to make it fit.

ittle OG

Maximus VI Impact - I7 4770k - GTX 780 DC2OC
Trident X 2400 2x8Gb - Samsung 840 500Gb - CM120 Elite
Corsair Ax860i - H90 2x CF-V14HP

Level 12
Those may be a good fan, but they sure are ugly as heck.

Being ingnorant and ingnored one post at a time.

Level 7
Agreed, I hate the color and the fact there not pwm plus there nowhere as quiet as it says. These where the noisiest fans in my case.
However that might be because there was probably no oil left in one of them.

ittle OG

Maximus VI Impact - I7 4770k - GTX 780 DC2OC
Trident X 2400 2x8Gb - Samsung 840 500Gb - CM120 Elite
Corsair Ax860i - H90 2x CF-V14HP

Level 16
Yeah, the color combination of the Noctuas is not very fortunate... specially for show-off builds (with side panel window)...

I agree, the 92mm Noctuas are not so quiet... actually, all smaller than 120mm are pretty noisy... the 120mm and 140mm ones however are really good! just too big for that heatsink...