RuslanM- I can tell that you are a person who looks at all options closely and weighs everything for what it is worth. If you want a good case that has pretty much everything decided for you and is very versatile, even into future builds, then I agree with your pick of the 900D. Who knows, in a couple of years, the 'water cooling bug' may bite you and you will already have a case for it. . ..
For the price and timings, the Ripjaws 4 is hard to beat with the X99 chipset.
As far as choosing the 5820K though, you might also consider the 4790K for about $100 less. Look at this comparison:, the EVGA GPU's bang the best in my book.
I would also go with the Intel 750 Series (even if just the 400GB one (it is already $50 cheaper than it was a month ago) for temporary storage and gaming, and with the $100 you can save by getting the 4790K, you can spend a little more and also get a Samsung 850 EVO 1TB SSD to use as your boot disc with your operating system on it and use it for permanent storage as well. This will leave your 400GB completely open to totally rock your gaming.
When getting an R5E MOBO, a high-powered graphics card (just one), a nice CPU, 32GB of RAM, an Intel 750 Series 400GB and a Samsung 850 EVO 1 TB, I believe that going with a 1000W PSU is a very good decision.
You are well on your way to a nice system with the initial informed choices you made, and if you do go with the 900D, get a few more fans--Airflow (AF) fans instead of Static Pressure (SP) fans if you are not going to have them mounted to radiators--to take up some of that extra room in the 900D while helping to keep your rig cooler with the increased airflow. You want 'positive air pressure' in your case, meaning you want to have more air being forced into the case rather than having more air forced out of the case. This cools better, and also keep less dust from getting into the case over time. In my 900D, I am forcing air into the front, the top, and both sides of the bottom with only a 140mm exhaust fan pushing air out (some people would make air exhaust out of the top, too, and this would still make for positive pressure as long the front and both bottom sides are pushing air in, but I am only exhausting out of the back since I have the equivalent of twelve 120mm radiators with low-RPM'ed SP fans that are blowing through less-dense 10-12 fins per inch (FPI) radiators, so it is going to be a quiet airflow/water cooled system. Pardon my talking about mine own system, but I am hoping to help get you used to seeing rigs like I am explaining in your mind's eye so that you become more intrigued by them and less apprehensive).
Bravo on your build picks!!!
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