Hi 0nlymeoni.
*Here’s a long shot idea, but try the other ram first, if that fails then,,
As the system boots with the 3820 then load that one and go into bios, load defaults, then set dram voltage to 1.35v (GSkill ram), go into dram timing and slacken the timings by 1 ( if 16,16,16,36 then set to 17,17,17,38).
F10 and enter, as soon as you get to the bios option again power down and swap cpu for the 4930k and reboot.
I believe the bios settings should stick (same bios)and that way you will be booting it with optimised defaults but with the ram at 1.35v it’s rated voltage and the relaxed settings.
I would think doing it that way will enable you to adjust bios settings ready for the 4930k should you need to up its voltage as well? In your situation it’s what I would try.
It’s nagging at me that it could be a dead cpu but this way might help prove it, one way or the other.****
EDIT: may have just found something, if your board came with bios 1404 or older then it needs flashing with the ‘ bios converter’ which can be found on the ASUs site under downloads/bios, has full instructions, then you can flash to the latest.*