Hi folks, I'm new around here, and I have quite a few questions. Sorry for the long-winded narrative that follows.
I've only ever built one computer and that was with my brother's help and was many many years back. That computer died after I moved over 900 miles across the country (Too much rattling or something. The hard drive died a few months after I got here.) I never really had the money to throw down for a computer after that since my money was dried up during the move and my mom had just inherited a pile of money so she ordered me a laptop 'to make due' with. I've been stuck on this dual core laptop using 'low' settings in games for about 2 years now while I saved every bit I could.
I finally have enough to actually start throwing a computer together myself, and I've been researching computer parts off and on for the past month (Kept looking into things every once in awhile previously.).
I happened across this website a couple of times while looking into different motherboards so I figured this would be a good place to start asking some of the questions I have.
I've never overclocked or messed with water-cooling, and I am interested in trying some of it out.
I originally wanted to build AMD again, since my previous build was AMD Athlon, but after quite a bit of research and digging around on the internet I've realized that it might not be prudent.
I was originally considering buying the FX-8150 series Zambezi 8 core processor and kept trying to find a motherboard that would support it and came across the Crosshair V Formula but then while reading specs I noticed that it didn't support the PCIe 3.0 spec, and after a whole lot more digging and talking to folks I realized there literally was no motherboard that supports PCIe 3.0 for AMD processors right now.
Apparently a lot of the new graphics cards are running on 3.0 bus though, and I want to end up with a top end graphics card down the road and not be making a build that's already totally out-dated or will be soon.
So then I started looking around at Intel's products and found the i7 3770K. It looks like it runs about like the Zambezi, so I guess that works (I'm not a fan of Intel, but apparently I have to make due with what's out there.).
So I started looking for a motherboard that supports it, and happened across the Maximus V Formula (A second time, I found it first when I was previously looking and thinking 'I want that!') and it has that fancy new Fusion Thermo solution.
My main problem right now is that I'm unsure of whether the case I'd been eye-balling could handle that board, since it's an 'Extended' ATX board. I don't have the capability/know how/tools/what have you to mod the case.
So I guess my first question is, could that board fit in this case?
The case I've been looking at is the Antec Twelve Hundred V3 Black Steel ATX Full Tower.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129100I was thinking about going with the Antec High Current Pro HCP-1200 for a PSU. (Mainly because I want enough power in there to maybe do Crossfire/SLI someday, and figured Antec's PSU would fit in their own case.)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371043RAM seems cheap as heck right now, so I was first looking at 32 GB of Corsair Vengeance 1600, but everyone I talk to keeps telling me 'you'll never need that much' so I went digging and found the 16 GB set, which would leave it open for upgrading down the road. (This is kinda flexible since I don't know about OC'ing stuff.)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233299I probably don't need it, but....HDD =
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148907Also had a SSD that I might purchase. (Newegg recommended it. I don't really know a lot about SSD's.)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147134&Tpk=20-147-134I was pondering this water-cooler before I saw the motherboard and the fact that it wouldn't be a closed loop.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181017But that got me to pondering options for doing my own loops. Which brings me to another question I had. On the Maximus V Formula page just below 'Fusion Thermo solution' it shows a clear windowed piece with 4 point metal bits over the processor with 2 red tubes coming out of it. Where can you find this piece to buy? I would do something similar, but with clear/blue tinted tubing.
I was looking through Antec's website, and they apparently sell a big radiator piece for under the top fan in that case that allows you to hook up water-cooling kits...
http://www.antec.com/productPSU.php?id=837&pid=20...and I'd need to find the rest of what you require to complete the set. Anyone have some good options?
This is kind of where I'm stuck at on my pondering for a build. Choosing the motherboard, water-cooling, whether it all would even fit in my case I chose.
Or should I just start re-thinking it all? Motherboard choice seems to have me stumped right now.
I have a few options for other pieces, but that's as far as I've made it for choices. (I hate decisions.)
Nothing is purchased yet. So my options are all over the place.