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MAXIMUS APEX X Issue? - Can't finish POST

Level 7

Just recently upgraded my specs and got a MB; CPU; Mem; PSU and Case.

The specs are:
CPU: i7 8700k (new);
MEM: CORSAIR DOMINATOR PLATINUM 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz C16 Memory Kit (new);
PSU: CORSAIR ax1200i (new - self test is fine);
GC: GTX 1080Ti (had before and it's fine);
HD: SSD 500Gb (had before and it's fine).

Now, the very first time i fired up the system it did boot and got as far as installing the OS, but it froze midway and never got it to boot again...
I've tried pretty much everything: Safe boot; Clear CMOS; Slow Mode; Alternate BIOS (which is now unresponsive somehow and stuck in one of the BIOS); LN2 Jumper (which worked sometimes up to the point where I could "Press F1 to enter the BIOS ", but after pressing it it always froze); disassembled and assembled everything back again; Flashed the BIOS to ver 1003...whatever...;

Bottom line is I can 't get past POST and not even get to the BIOS (even with LN2 Jumper - which was working at a stage).
Error codes were all over the board but now it's pretty much stuck in the same code all the time: 'A6' and the RAM led is lit up next to the QLED display. After a minute or so, 'A6' turns to '55'. Tried 'MEM OK'; Clear CMOS...nada.

Pretty much ready to lite everything on fire, but I guess I'd give a shot in the FORUM.
What do you guys think it is? Bad MB, bad CPU, bad mem sticks...? Bad assembler? (that for sure).

Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

Level 14
You could have an issue with either your CPU or memory, or possibly motherboard, I would troubleshoot CPu and memory first
You didn't mention what cooling your using, I would suggest removing your motherboard from your case and test flat on the box it came in, remove your CPU cooler, remove your CPU and check your CPU socket with a magnifying glass for bent or misaligned pins and contact with your CPU, very carefully reinstall your CPU and heatsink or block per manufacturers recommendations, do not over tighten, install only one stick of memory in the slot per owners manual, clear cmos, set all on board switches to there default state and test at all default settings

What memory kit, manufacturers model number, is it on the QVL list?

Hi Menthol, thanks for the reply.

I will try doing it and come back with news.
The memory QVL is: cmd32gx4m2c3200c16 and it is on the board's QVL list. However it states that this list was updated in 2018/02/05 ( Does this update come with a BIOS update or something like that? Is there something I must update as well? (BIOS or whatever?).

edit: cooling is a corsair water cooling system: Corsair Hydro H105 CPU Cooler.

Level 14
It may need a bios update to run at rated XMP speed but should run at default 2133 speed without, always install OS at defalts
Is your CPU delidded?

CPU has a lid in it. Will take picture to show you the setup after I start working on the MB outside the case.
Wish I could go as far as starting to install the OS. Couldn't even get to BIOS...

So, took the MB out the case and working on it on top the paper box that came with it.
Just with CPU and 1 stick of mem I could get it as far as into the BIOS, but immediately it freezes.
Most of the time it freezes on the ROG splash screen or on the screen after that, where it displays the CPU, MEM, BIOS ver and 'Press F1 to enter BIOS' - I press F1 and it goes dark blue and freezes. I press reset after that and it won't post anymore stopping at a random error and can only get it to post again after clearing CMOS.

The board's alternate BIOS button is also randomly freezing and sticking in one of the BIOS.

I tried both mem sticks separately and I can get it to POST with each of them, so I guess it's not the mem (or at least if it is the mem it can get as far as posting).

One thing I noticed is that when it gets to 'System screen' - where you can press F1 to enter BIOS, the message is - Enter BIOS to recover settings. This means that it probably is not in its default setting. This could be due to the fact that at the very first time that I fired up the system, it froze midway through Windows configuration... something must have gotten changed in the BIOS.

Is there a way to completely reset the BIOS to factory settings?

Level 14
Socket pins look good
Pushing the clear cmos button on the I/O panel will clear the bios to defaults, the warning is standard when system has been hard reset by either holding down power button until it turns off or removing the power cable from power supply, etc., or you could flash the bios using flashback method

Has your CPU been delidded and re lidded?, I ask as there have been a few people here with related issues where a small component around the die was damaged or shorted by TIM causing issues, and several reports of DOA CPU's causing issues that would indicate the motherboard, and one with a small amount of nail polish on the under side of the CPU causing power contact. Rare cases for sure, check memory slots for foreign material that would cause contact issues. Any beep codes from speaker?

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