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MAtx for LGA2011

Level 7
i would purchase a Asus rampage iv gene by january, and here is the specs i want to fit in:
CPU: intel core i7 4930k (ivy bridge -e)
GPU: GeForce GTX780ti (any reference brand, preferably ASUS if already released at that time)
RAM: corsair Dominator platinum (4x8gb 1833MHz)
Case: BitFenix Prodigy M


1. does the components i have above would work to its optimized performance?
or would i encounter any bottle neck with my build?

2. what do i need to do to ready the system to ivy bridge-e, i heard of BIOS flashing,
is there any other software upgrade needed aside from it

3. can i overclock ram to hit the maximum of 2400MHz as supposed to the specs on the board?

4. would i be able to get a stable everyday use of 5Ghz for my CPU by over clocking in this board? (i would use Thermaltake
water 3.0 extreme close loop cooler)

5. kindly link guides on this forums if you know one.

thank you so much

Level 10
It would be great preformance, but I am not a fan of intel. Personally, I think you'd be better off with a Crossfire V Formula Z and an FX - 9370.
Say hi to the next generation.

Peace is a lie, there is only Passion

Through passion, I gain strength

Through strength, I gain victory

Through victory, my chains are broken

The Republic of Gamers shall free me

Level 14
Elixire wrote:

1. does the components i have above would work to its optimized performance?
or would i encounter any bottle neck with my build? <- only bottleneck is the slowest part, are you going for SSD or HDD??

2. what do i need to do to ready the system to ivy bridge-e, i heard of BIOS flashing,
is there any other software upgrade needed aside from it <- unless it have one of the newest bioses you dont have to flash, it all depends on the bios you need, the bios that follows the board is on a sticker on it.

3. can i overclock ram to hit the maximum of 2400MHz as supposed to the specs on the board? <- if you know how to so so then yes mabye, but in real life performance you will not notice enny thing, and do remember that you need quad channel memory on LGA2011, and do not mix whit other kits, always buy the amount you need.

4. would i be able to get a stable everyday use of 5Ghz for my CPU by over clocking in this board? (i would use Thermaltake
water 3.0 extreme close loop cooler) <- that is ALL up to the processor and how happy it is to OC, its a lottery so to say, some can oc like a pro and some you may not go past 3.8ghz, so it depends on how lucky you gona be on the CPU.

5. kindly link guides on this forums if you know one. <- guides of what??

added my ansvers in the "quote" window

Level 18
Elixire .. Welcome to ROG.

Look'n Good. Best of Luck. Please, do keep us 'posted'. .c.

Level 7
thanks for the quick replies

@antronman, i need as much cpu cores i could use, im also going to use the rig for rendering aside from mostly gaming so i aim for fastest and the most number of multi-threaded core as a can get, and with my budget so far, i guess i can only extend to i7 4930k, cause i7 4960x really is expensive. ill check your recommendations. thanks

@kkn, thanks for answering. im reviewing a lot of reviews from different forums and websites, i was asking if you know great guides/link for overclocking and water cooling. and yes, im going to install ssd for most of my programs and applications, and a hdd for storage space only

@chrsplmr, ill try to do a build log as soon as i get my hands on the components

Level 14
the rampage section tread have how to on OC inside bios whit pics and text.

Level 14
I believe 5ghz on an IV-E is an unrealistic expectation, SB-E very possible, IV-E does not overclock as well. 4.6 is a high overclock on IV-E, above that is luck of the draw. Just don't get your expectations to high.