I am wondering if a very "low profile" PCIe 3.0x16 extender flexible cable exists. I cannot find one. I see flexible ones, and I see angled ones, but they all seem to be at least 3/4" tall from the motherboard socket.
I have a PCIe 3.0 card with an extra M.2 Samsung 250G NVME PCIe drive on it, and wanted to put it in my rig, but with two dbl-slot GPU's (Crossfire) they block the correct slots to use. Actually the bottom of the cards are almost exactly at the female connections of the next & correct slot (so a mm or two greater than the slot height). I think I could use a flexible cable extender to sneak behind one of the cards and move the M.2 card in the rig, but the GPU's fit down so close to the motherboard that I think I need a very low profile extender cable to sneak behind it. Thus the question.
Alternately I found one that sits in the slot and has an immediate right angle connection, which would be great except it's not very low profile, I think it measures almost an inch.
