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Kaby Lake @ 5.0GHZ and above, Yes it does

Level 14
It has been reported that the new Kaby Lake 7700K CPU's can overclock to 5.0 on 1.35 volts

Without giving to much information my retail sample 7700K can run RealBench 2.44 at 5.0 at 1.35 volts easy, can validate @ 5.1 1.35 volts, locks up at 5.2
Not sure if I have a good chip or not but pretty excited to play with this new chip
Haven't delidded it yet like all my Skylake CPU's are and the temps it hit running RealBench @ 5.0 with a Corsair h115i I may not, mid 70"s on open bench table
Supposedly the IMC has been improved and runs memory at high speeds, I will be checking this out soon, this is on a an ASUS Z-170 board


Level 14
I am know using a IX Hero and installed a 32GB kit of Gskill 3600 16-16-16- kit and a different CPU, a 5.2 chip from Silicon Lottery, delidded and CLU

Completed XTU at 5.3 1.36 volts, wasn't Realbench Stable at that voltage but it may be a promising chip, still using a Corsair h115i cooler


Level 13
Good news for sure Menthol. 36c @ 5.3 MHz that awesome. 🙂

Level 14
It will hot over 60 under full load, not bad for an AIO, to me it makes since to delid these chips, even if your running them in a daily rig, the reduced fan speed needed to cool the chip is worth the effort in my mind, lower speed fans = quite

Hey Menthol

You just got a new cpu delid tool didn't you ?

You should do a little guide with it on how to delid your cpu. 🙂

Level 14
lol, all my 4 core chips are already delidded, but I was thinking on delidding one of the chips that I purchased delidded and compare my TIM application to there's
SL uses a back silicon adhesive similar to Intel, I followed the online video instructions and used stupid glue which may not be advisable to break the seal again. but video was easy to follow and easier than using a razor blade which I used on a 4770K but a razor blade works as long as your caerful, does feel weird turning the wrench until the lid pops
I also used CLU which you don't want to use if your sub zero cooling but for Air Water CLU is the best but application is a little tricky, the method in Rocket cool video shows a good method for CLU application
I can take some picture for a guide but I am not to good with a camera and worse at writing

Cool yeah I'd like to see it, I might be more tempted to do it if there was a safer way than using a vice and a hammer or a razor blade.

That Rockit tool you got is pretty slick, I see there is a reattachment kit too.

Relid kit

I delidded my CPU using the rockit tool and CLU. Its pretty easy, just make sure to take it a step at a time and not rush it. Also, if you're using superglue to relid make sure to keep it well ventilated when its curing. Cyanoacrylat outgasses as it cures and leaves an ugly white-ish residue. It doesn't harm anything though and can be removed with careful acetone cleaning.

Level 14
Yes I followed their video and used the relid attachment, it comes with a soft case and draw string, I was paying the $50.00 for them to perform this but if you are careful with the CLU it's a snap and you may take more time and do a better job yourself, either way I think it is money well spent, the temperature difference is just to great, 20 to 30 degrees less under load means as I've shown over 5.0 using an AIO not to shabby

Level 7
Menthol wrote:
It has been reported that the new Kaby Lake 7700K CPU's can overclock to 5.0 on 1.35 volts

Without giving to much information my retail sample 7700K can run RealBench 2.44 at 5.0 at 1.35 volts easy, can validate @ 5.1 1.35 volts, locks up at 5.2
Not sure if I have a good chip or not but pretty excited to play with this new chip
Haven't delidded it yet like all my Skylake CPU's are and the temps it hit running RealBench @ 5.0 with a Corsair h115i I may not, mid 70"s on open bench table
Supposedly the IMC has been improved and runs memory at high speeds, I will be checking this out soon, this is on a an ASUS Z-170 board


delidded my 7600K, temps dropped by 20 degrees
running 5.2 Ghz @ 1.4v
temps are 63 degrees with an AiO

but I'm running into a snag/wall @ 5.3

idle temps shoot up 40-45 degrees up, while everything including voltage stayed the same (I've found a LLC setting; level 4; that provides the voltage I'm looking for)

I set my Bios to ignore the temps
booted into windows fine

let RealBench run for half an hour and Hash checks are fine, but temps look ridiculous

so I reverted back for now


wonder if temps are not reporting right at that setting, as its still a beta UEFI I'm running (3101) for my Maximus VIII Formula

through some heavy use of Google I found the culprit

Sort of a bug with Asus boards. When moving past 5.25GHz auto values for PLL Termination, PCH Core, and CPU Standby voltages are set to 1.6V which is way too high. Set all of these manually to 1V.

I've set those voltages to the default value (1.0v) and everything is fine again

for those looking for a delidd tool

rockit in US

Rockit 88

for EU

Delid-Die-Mate 2

the old one you can't buy any more, as its "gluing-back-together" side didn't fit Kaby lake (had to find out the hard way 😛 )
but the price came down as well
the old Die-Mate was 80€ when it came out, later came down to 50€

the new one costs 30€

Overclockers UK
Caseking in Germany