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Kaby Lake @ 5.0GHZ and above, Yes it does

Level 14
It has been reported that the new Kaby Lake 7700K CPU's can overclock to 5.0 on 1.35 volts

Without giving to much information my retail sample 7700K can run RealBench 2.44 at 5.0 at 1.35 volts easy, can validate @ 5.1 1.35 volts, locks up at 5.2
Not sure if I have a good chip or not but pretty excited to play with this new chip
Haven't delidded it yet like all my Skylake CPU's are and the temps it hit running RealBench @ 5.0 with a Corsair h115i I may not, mid 70"s on open bench table
Supposedly the IMC has been improved and runs memory at high speeds, I will be checking this out soon, this is on a an ASUS Z-170 board


Level 40
'Sup guys....quick question...not very up on mainstream and voltages...

What VCCSA and VCCIO are your boards setting for at XMP say...

To run 32GB 3200 cas 14 here vccsa set is 1.2v but I can drop to 1.1...but VCCIO is 1.22 and I can only drop to 1.2...about normal?

Level 14
I have only played with 3600mhz and above, on Z-170 and high speed kits I found manually setting VCCIO to 1.25 and VCCSA to 1.275 to be needed at 3866 so that sounds around normal to me

Level 40
OK cheers Menthol...good to know 🙂

Reading through here and about it seems de-liding is de-rigueur!

I'll have to pluck up courage one of these days I can see that....

Level 14
Now up the freq to 3600 with 16-16-36 and tune your timings/speed from there
3200mhz are you kidding me, that's so X-99

Although not much gain in daily use, it's what the small platform does that the big platform can't so get your Freq on

Menthol wrote:
that's so X-99


Is there any gain?...but yeah...I'll try it...any excuse for tweaking

Level 40
I tried...but not happening for me...not at 1.35v anyway...

Level 14
Gain can be purchased at the grocery store


Bump dimm to 1.4, works fine on my IX Hero with Trident Z equivalent kit, I would think 3733 or even 3866 is possible with a little voltage

X-99 has those big bandwidth numbers we like to look at, these platforms have high frequency, neither make any difference trolling the internet

Level 40
Heh...5 pints of gain...I see its x64 too...lift and lock and loads more volts...will give it a whirl 😉

Level 40
Well this really isn't happening here....1.4v 1.5v 3600 just stalls code 49 then 01 03...

I can tighten timings 13-13....12-12 with little "gain"....change io offset etc...but raise frequency...nada...maybe my ICs are not the same as yours...maybe my IMC is not good

Might have to get some of this new RGB Trident Z to test out...

Kind of restores my faith in the development of DDR4 was looking like all the ICs were the same just frequency up latancy up ...but not the case here so 3600 kit at 1.35 seems a genuine improvement...

Level 13
What ram are you running Arne or am I blind and missed it. I'm running 3400MHz Trident at just over 3400MHz 16,16,16,36 at 1.35 *Vram BCLK at 102.10 and multi on CPU at 50 for a 5.1GHz OC. LLC at level 6 and 120% current on CPU and ram. This was on my cardboard box and Corsair H115i AIO. Haven't tried it in the case yet with 2 D5s in series and a slim 360 rad and fat 280 Rad.*

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein