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IPS monitor now or wait for ASUS PG278Q

Level 7
should i wait for ASUS pg278q or get PLS/IPS Panel monitor(because TN Panel monitors are crappy?)i'm lightweight photo-shopper, video editing.And a GAMER. So what's your recommendation?is there a huge difference between TN and IPS Panel monitors?

Level 40
Hi zed-yazan 🙂

As always this a bit about balancing your needs and deciding. The real reason to get the Swift is of course the Gsync module and high refresh rate for gaming. I see you put "GAMER" in capitals so maybe you should go for that. If you are really into photography however you can't beat an IPS panel for colour range etc. But if you are just like taking pictures and tinkering a bit in Photoshop but really into gaming I'd say wait for the Swift...

Level 7
I am waiting on a swift myself. However, I have been considering getting an IPS to do everything except gaming, like now for example. Hard to beat an IPS but just will not work with gaming; Yet. I feel sure it is coming will just be a few years. With g-sync, ddr4, then new SSD PCI, no way IPS will not improve soon as well.