Looking at Intel 120 GB SSD from the 520-series for my OS.
SSDSC2BW120A301 and SSDSC2CW120A3K5
The latter is a tad cheaper, about 25 $ / 16£
If I read the serial numbers correctly, the 2CW would to me suggest the unit coming after 2BW, hence a more recent edition. The smaller price tag would however suggest there is a more recent edtion, with a higher price tag, in this case being the 2BW tagged unit.
Now, e-shops around these parts usually don´t lower prices of even severely outdated hardware, so I can´t trust the more expensive SSD to be the latest deal.
So, what do you think, guys?! Can anyone decode the SN? Which is the newest edition? And does it matter at all?
http://ark.intel.com/products/66248/Intel-SSD-520-Series-120GB-2_5in-SATA-6Gbs-25nm-MLC#orderingorde...Both are listed here, some difference in mm´s, is that all?