howdy howdy..... is been a while since ive logged to ROG but here we go.....
my last computer had a ASUS Nvidia GeForce GT 710 2gb 900mhz & 1800mhz silent but was sluggish with only between 333mhz ram & 500-mhz ddr2 BUT when i upgraded to 800mhz ram i noticed extreme copmputer speed increase..... thinkng the 800 mhz ram was matching close to the 954mhz on the graphics card was the trick...
is this true?
was wondering if i got a better graphics ta match the ram i got now would that help...??
i got 16gb ddr4 2666mhz (says only 1333mhz with some stats software so i dont know wha thats about) while im shopping to match ram should i get somthing to match 1333mhz or 2666mhz.....??
please tell me if the ASUS Nvidia GeForce GT 1030 2gb silent BRK------------- would be ideal??
Base Clock
1228 MHz
Boost Clock
1468 MHz
Memory Clock
1502 MHz
6008 MHz effective
this link basicly says stats needed