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Help with Corsair H110i

Level 7
Hi! Building my first gaming PC. I purchased a Corsair Hydro series H110i AIO (V2, formerly the H110 gt) to go in my Phanteks Pro M case. I have the radiater installed on the front of the case, with the tubes coming out of the top, as shown in the instructions and almost every build I have seen. The issue I'm running into is that it takes a lot of force to bend the tubes to align the water block/ pump over the processor. This version of the cooler has the tubes attaching to the water block/pump via 90 deg. fittings that also rotate. I'm worried that screwing it down will place to much force on these tube fittings and eventually turn into a leak. Has anyone else had this issue?

I'm trying to get this built this weekend while I have time, so any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.


Here is a stock photo, I can upload one of my setup when I get home from work.
It's right where the tubes attaching to the waterblock/pump assembly that I'm concerned about. In mine, the tubes are trying to rotate it CW, and pull up the left edge. Holding it in place puts a lot of force on the tube fittings.


I'm not able to view the pic.

Can you take a screenshot with prnt scrn and paste it in paint, then save it in your pictures and upload it here ?

I kind of understand what you're saying and a pic would be a big help.

Oops, sorry. Still haven't figured out how everything on here works, and I'm doing this from a smartphone.

Here is a URL:

Thank you,

That's a picture of the cooler but I'd much rather see it installed in your case.

If you're needing alot of pressure to tighten it, that probably isn't good. You should have plenty of play with the tubing, meaning it's not being stretched ? That would be the only thing I see for needing alot of pressure.

If there's some play in the tubing, I don't see it needing too much pressure.

Are you able to rotate the fittings that may ease up on the tubing ?