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First PC Build/Upgrade

Level 7
Hi, as the title says, I need some help building a new PC. I have no experience at all building a PC or know what I actually need. I had a ROG CG8565 till a power surge fried some of the internals. So I want to custom build a new one using the case and salvage some of the parts.

Budget: SGD$1000-$1500

Main uses of intended build: Gaming mostly

Parts required: Motherboard, i7 Processor, Nvidia GPU(660 minimum maybe a 660Ti or 670 if it's worth the price)

Previous build information (list details of parts): Intel i7 2600k, GTX 560Ti, P8Z68-V Pro Motherboard(Probably fried), Asetek liquid cooling system(I think for processor only), 2x 1Tb HDD(Salvage hopefully), 700 watt PSU(would salvage if safe), Optical Drive(Would salvage). There's some fans in there too.

Monitor resolution: 1680x1050 @60fps (I might want to get a 1920x1080 screen in the future though)

Storage requirements: 1 Tb HDD(Attempting to salvage my 2x 1Tb HDD's from my PC)

Will you be overclocking: Yes (Preferably to 4.6 GHz)

Any motherboard requirements (no. of USB, Xfire/SLI, fan headers): 5 USB ports(The case has 4 USB 3.0 ports and 8 USB 2.0 ports), Card Reader.

Extra information about desired system: I'd love to have the button press overclock working and also have a Xonar card installed. I would like to use the 560 Ti for Physx or to add a little more power to the system if it is possible(Does it require SLI?)

Thanks in advance! 🙂

Level 40
Check carefully to see that you can add parts in and out of that case...sometimes these builds use parts or layouts that are not standard dimensions etc.

If you want to upgrade a bit that's up to you but if the 2600K is not fried then I wonder if a 3770K would be much of a step up. you can probably cock the 2600 higher. or were you thinking of a 3930K or 3980X when it comes out?

Two 560tis in SLI will beat a 670 for sure and at 1680x1050 they have enough memory (1GB).

But if you go to 1920x1080 maybe you will find you are a bit capped by the memory size...a 2GB card would probably be better

Using a second card for physx is mostly not a good idea...especially between generations....usually the better card will handle physx better and most of the time it's not like the lesser card is running physx and leaving all the resources of the better card for processing. the reality is the better card will mostly have resources to do both and hence the physx better.

But no, you dont SLI to do it... no sli cable...just install the two cards

Level 7
IF you're only gaming then a i7 is a total waste, a 3570k or a 8350 is better. Pretty much same performance in games for a smaller price tag.

Level 15
Welcome to the Republic of Gamers forums, Gryphus1153.

I would suggest you test each of the components thoroughly or have it tested at your local computer store before we start putting a build together. The i7 2600k is a pretty solid performer for gaming despite the presence of newer Ivy Bridge CPUs. If you can salvage any of the parts in your previous PC, it would help greatly towards your new build because we can skip certain compionents and concentrate on the ones you need to replace.

Level 7
Thanks for the help with the graphics card and processor(I'm probably settling for an i5 3570k with a GTX670). Just a note I play planetside 2 alot and it's insanely CPU intensive. Even at 4.6GHz, the i7 2600k drops to 30fps in large battles. And I'm not sure how much the hypertheading will help in an i7.

The real question is which Motherboard I should get? I was reccomended an ASRock z77 Extreme 4 by a couple friends but I'm also looking at the various flavours of Asus P8Z77 motherboards. Also, will it affect fan speeds? Will it be running at 100%(Very loudly). Does it differ across different motherboards?

Level 40
Take a look at this :

You'll see there is not much difference between the 3930K and the 2600. I would think VRAM and GPU in general will make much more difference. While it appears the game can use multiple threads that doesn't mean those threads will be taxing the CPU to its limit.

I would think an i72600K will outperform a i53570 by a bit if your CPU isn't dead that is...

I have to say MB wise I'd go ROG.....they all have fan regulation...

Gryphus1153 wrote:
Thanks for the help with the graphics card and processor(I'm probably settling for an i5 3570k with a GTX670). Just a note I play planetside 2 alot and it's insanely CPU intensive. Even at 4.6GHz, the i7 2600k drops to 30fps in large battles. And I'm not sure how much the hypertheading will help in an i7.

Your GTX 560 TI is holding you back, not the i7 2600k. 😉 Gaming wise the i5 3570k is like 8%-10% faster than a i7 2600k in some games. In others, the difference is close to none. But if your fear is that your problem might have affected the i7 2600k and you wish to get a new CPU, then go ahead. 😛

Chino wrote:
Your GTX 560 TI is holding you back, not the i7 2600k. 😉 Gaming wise the i5 3570k is like 8%-10% faster than a i7 2600k in some games. In others, the difference is close to none. But if your fear is that your problem might have affected the i7 2600k and you wish to get a new CPU, then go ahead. 😛

Planetside2 is maxing out my i7 2600k and I've put graphics on ultra and Physx and it easily gets 60+. The FPS indicator also has a bottleneck indicator that says the CPU is the limiting factor. And tyvm for your help. If the i5 is actually slightly more powerful, thats going to squeeze out hopefully 10-15 frames more from the 25/30 fps in the big battles. 😄

Just an example of the number of players to process, from the scale of BLOPS to conquest large on BF3, Planetside 2 has conquest large times 5 within render dist with loads of air and tanks. So I can't blame them for the CPU strain. That and the game is not very well optimized in general.

On the other hand, BF3 on high runs like a hot knife through butter(Probably a really bad analogy :P) with the 2600k and 560Ti. I'm saying its really really smooth @ 60fps all the time.

Level 14
the 600k is bether then the 3570 when it comes to heat but the 3570 is newer.

Level 40
Doesn't the 2600K have HT etc. But as I say if yours is dead then it can have all the HT it wants.....