okay i see what your saying Z, good catch.
For some reason i was thinking it would not exceed its rating, but i know better than that and wasn't thinking clearly.
A motor can act as a dead short if stalled so having bad flow can cause this pump to draw a lot more power.
though i have to say when i felt the motor it was actual quite cool.
i have previously moved the pump's power connection to a separate 500 watt power supply unit and i still suffered from the computer freezing, though it did take longer than if i still had the pump connected to the 750.
I am starting to agree on the power supply being the issue but, i do not have a spare high wattage PSU laying around and none of my friends have one to borrow so it looks like i'm going to have to order one. Is 860 watts good enough or should i go over 1000 watts?
This weekend i plan on tearing out the new water cooling and reseating the cpu.
Also i have plans to hook the 750 watt psu up to a some dummy loads and check to see if it is still performing correctly
Are there any other test you would like me perform in the meantime?