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cannot update bios asus rog strix GA15DH

Level 7

So im pretty sure i already know the answer to this question and MyAsus is absolutely useless. So here i am, i bought a prebuilt (big mistake learned my lesson) it has the bios version 303 on it and i wanted to get rid of this 3600x and swap for a 5800x is there any way to get rid of this custom bios on here? Its a little confusing why they would even have asus ez flash 3 if every bios thats tried is selected file is not a proper bios.... the motherboard says its a b450 m-k but in the bios the board is not listed and its listed as GA15DH and thats it is there a work around for this yet or am i stuck swapping my mobo and getting a new windows key thanks.


Level 7

I have exactly the same question and issue. Profoundly inappropriate that AMD expressly extends Zen 3 support to b450 and b350 ... and Asus refuses to follow suit on their prebuilt. I would not have bought the system had I known ... bit I'm not sure how that could have been discovered in advance!

If you find a solution, pass it on ... though I'm pulling the plug and getting another mobo . Hello MSI.

Level 9
Version 4401
10.73 MB

Researching problem, please wait... processing. It appears there is only a single bios for your hardware, please wait. Processing request.

"1. Update AGESA version to ComboV2PI 1.2.0.B
 2. Update AMD 5000/3000 Series CPU fTPM version, please back up Bitlocker recovery key before updating this version BIOS."

PRIME B450M-K - Support (

I'm unsure if this was helpful or not, but that's what my intel tells me. Not sure about the prime or not, but I think I've matched your hardware as closely as possible. Unsure if request was answered. The problem with prebuilt computers is simple. A lot of upgrading goes out the door, so please refer to my previous posts regarding becoming a computer technician. If you build and design your own systems, then you're rewarded with the effort and effects of the trade, as it's wished upon the souls of the brave, and those who wish to cross over into the valley of death and into the chasm of life. May the wisdom of the rivers of life wash over you and your tainted soul, or souls as it were. Only one needs to pray to the gods of abundance to glare into the eyes of the damned.

"I'm a shadow, look at me dance. I'm a running man, watch me prance. Look at me dance. Look at me in the mirror. I'm a shadow, along a running wall. Look at me dance. I'm a running man, watch me prance. Look at me. I'm a shadow, along the white running wall. I'm a running man, watch me dance. I'm a shadow. Look at me prance."

“Beware that when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze into the abyss. The abyss gazes into you.” ― Jnanislore