Hey everyone, I've known lot's of knowledge about PC's but this is my first time to experience the BIOS update. I've always wan't to try it out but I heard the motherboard will be DOA by not using it correctly or the motherboard can't get the new update to work.
Now I have an old motherboard the
EVGA 680i SLI (122-CK-NF68). I know many of you know this motherboard it's one of the worst over-clocking bad quality motherboard's but it has it's improvements. I manage to overclock the Q6600 (Kentsfield B3) to 3.2ghz! and I realise there is an BIOS update which will fix my problems with the current BIOS. The problems are system doesn't reboot properly, CPU fan speed always changes and so on. (It's been a year that I overclock the CPU to 3.2 ghz and been living with these problems)
Now this is the link of my motherboard latest BIOS: (Yes I make sure I have the right motherboard model).
http://www.evga.com/support/download/showdlinfo.aspx?id=414&type=N&acctype=BIOS&accversion=P33&part_...I also will boot with an USB! this is the link I'm going to learn through, tell me if this link is good enough without causing the motherboard DOA. I understand it clearly but I need any advice if this link will should do.
http://www.evga.com/forums/tm.aspx?m=15265Now the question is this is it worth to update and fix the problems that I am having. I also wan't to overclock the CPU to 3.6ghz and I want to know if this version actually increase the stability of the motherboard over clocking. It won't allow me to overclock the CPU to 3.6ghz because the BSOD appears..., but I heard allot of people have this motherboard and they are able to overclock to 3.4-.3.6 ghz.
If anyone here ever used that motherboard and know some very helpful hint's that help me if that BIOS version is worth it or if you ever overclock the Q6600 to 3.6ghz without any problems... I would like to see the settings that you have across too.
I have mine at 3.2ghz and at idle I'm getting 38-42C and at full load 62-68C but the strange thing is that the CORES of the CPU are 10 degrees higher (48-56C)... is that normal for the B3 version to behave or there is something wrong with the sensor on the motherboard? I am using HW monitor to see the temperature's. I also am using core temp and speed fan to see any difference.
Core temp show's the CORES exactly degree's of the CPU and Speed Fan show's the CORES degree's higher than 4-8 degrees of the CPU. So I decided to believe on HW monitor and see if this is an issue with the sensor or with the BIOS that needed to update? I tried to look for some answers on the internet about this issue but I can't find anything only about the sensors..
That's it from me, I really like to see some great answers and help me with this situation. I am not going to update until I hear some thought's from you people.
Case: Antec 300 Mini Tower Motherboard: GA-Z68A-D3H-B3 (rev1.3) CPU: i5 2500k @ 4.5ghz Cooler: Hyper 212 EVO GPU: GIGABYTE GTX 560ti (950mhz) RAM: G.Skill 8 GB DDR3 @ 1600mhz PSU: Corsair CX 750 Driver: 320.00Been building PC's for 8 Years! 😉