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Bios update for GTX Titan

Level 7
Hi guys I wonder if you could help me out.
I updated the bios off the Asus site for my Titan and it worked fine now it is at

I have purchased another card from Asus but it will not let me upgrade the Bios it's set at 80.10.2c.00.06

I get an error message like this one Click image for larger version


I have tried updating with just the new card, no joy and tried different slots and still no joy.
I am running windows 8.1 64 bit Pro
Any help would be much appreciated.

No the file is in the download section for the Titan on the Asus site

Level 15
Try using GPU Tweak. It automatically phones home to check for updated VBIOS releases. If one is available, it will update it on its own.

something else has cropped up the sticker on the back of the Titan is a different bios to that, that is showing up in the gpu tweak and Nvidia soft ware they show the same bios but it is different to the sticker on the card strange?
I will try the new card on gpu tweak to see if it will update that way on it's own.
If they are both in Sli it says no need to update but my old card is the primary device and it picks that one up first no "need to update"
Ill post back later with the results.

Level 16
Use nvflash from a bootable USB stick... updating BIOS from OS isn't a very good idea...

Tried to update to the new bios with the card on it's own, but gpu tweak says it 's up to date.
Now if I take that as gospel shouldn't the bios be the same as my first card after updating to the same bios?
Have been in touch with the vendors they say it is not right and have given me the RMA paper work.
I do not know what to do now send it back and be refunded or try and get the bios's the same.
I mean if you where to update your bios on your mobo and I had the same mobo and I updated to the same bios we would have the same bios right, or am I missing something here.
I tried the Asus update again from the site it comes up with an error for that card again.
Put my old card in that was updated and it says up to date useing the same method
and the same on gpu tweak.
I cannot update on a usb because the file is a self executing file, check it your self on the Asus site.
I have talked to Asus Support about it but you must only be allowed one email a day off them, it could take weeks for them to sort it.
I am getting a better response from you guys thanks guys.
Just to let you know the vendors who game me the RMA say the last day for me to do it expires tomorrow I did not know that phew!
But if I can get it sorted now and it works I will keep it. But if another bios update comes out what are the chances that it will work?

Level 15
Out of pure curiosity, why are you updating your VBIOS? Are you experiencing any stability problems? Or are you just in pursue of having the latest and greatest lol.

Chino wrote:
Out of pure curiosity, why are you updating your VBIOS? Are you experiencing any stability problems? Or are you just in pursue of having the latest and greatest lol.

Trying to keep my system up to date of course, don't tell me you do not update your drivers, firmware and bios to keep your system up to date ?

And yes this bios update is for the new 4k monitors.
Which I hope to buy one day when I have enough money after selling the wife, kids, cat and the dog LOL