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best cpu for gaming/overclocking

Level 7
Hi everyone,

Can someone help me with my choice in cpu please. I'm building a new pc and i want it watercooled. My first choice was the i7-4790K with the maximus formula VII but now with the new Haswell-e cpu's i'm confused. So does anyone know what the best cpu is for gaming/overclocking : i7-4790K or i7-5930K?


Level 14
antec7033 wrote:

thats the X99 ( LGA2011 ) platform 😛
i5 for gaming, unless you want to spend the extra bucks on hyper treading.( i7 )

kkn wrote:
thats the X99 ( LGA2011 ) platform 😛
i5 for gaming, unless you want to spend the extra bucks on hyper treading.( i7 )

yes that's the x99 (lga2011-3). maybe a stupid question but why an i5 instead of i7 and which one is the best?

Level 14
in game you may only see a few FPS diffrence between I5 and I7 ( where as the I7 have higher then I5 ).
there are games that take advantage of hypertreading, but what games it is and how menny there are of it i dont know.
all in all a I5 is more bang for the bucks TBH.

WC, you going custom or closed loop?

kkn wrote:
in game you may only see a few FPS diffrence between I5 and I7 ( where as the I7 have higher then I5 ).
there are games that take advantage of hypertreading, but what games it is and how menny there are of it i dont know.
all in all a I5 is more bang for the bucks TBH.

WC, you going custom or closed loop?

I'm going for custom, for the very first time. Scary...i'm reading a lot about it but still have a lot of questions. I'm plannig to WC my cpu,ram,motherboard (if it's the maximus formuleVII) and 1 or 2 gpu (possible ROG POSEIDON-GTX780-P-3GD5) or the new gtx 900 series and a OCZ RevoDrive 350 RVD350-FHPX28-480G, 480 GB SSD (but not WC).
But the question that i have is how do you construct the loop? do you start from your reservoir with pump and then the radiator or do you place the radiator at the end? Do you go first to your to your gpu('s) ? Can i make 1 loop with a pump that delivers 1500 liters/hour? (the pump that i have in mind is alphacool VPP655 pump)

Still a lot of thinking before i buy an assemble everything. :p:confused:

Level 14
just think like this for radiator space, for each OC'd component you wand 2x 120 fan slot.
ram = only for astetics, enough whit a fan blowing over it.
well i have a rad between GPU's and CPU.
some says it dont matter.

first of all the pump must be AFTER the res ( unless its a bay res ) if it is a stand alone pump whit out a reservoar on it.
you have those that have pump/res combo.
example 1 ->

example 2 bay res ->

or example 3 witch will be a stand alone res whit tubings between res and pump. ->

fans, you need fans whit high mmh2o from 1.5 and up.
dont look at cfm.

fittings, personaly i prefer compression fittings.

you need the case for it.

its going to get expensive and you will void warranty.

D5 pump is the only pump to go with...stay away from the others