Hardware & Build Advice
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mSata SSD or 2.5" SSD Drive

Hi,I know that this may seem rather trivial but I was confused as to what type of SSD to use on my V GENE board.I read so may reviews that I got myself confused probably because of lack of knowledge, to much information and understanding of the SSD f...

Expert Advice Needed - Case, Power Supply, CPU Cooler

Hi ROGrez,I'm new to this forum, kindly accept my mistakes I am in utter confusion whether to upgrade my case, CPU cooler and power supply unit. First i will list out components that i own.Intel Core i5 3570K, stock coolerAsus Maximus V FormulaAsus ...

New Maximus V Formula Build

Hi guys,I need an advice for my future gaming pc. I plan to buy this:PSU - COOLER MASTER Silent Pro Hybrid 1050W http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817171062&Tpk=RS-A50-SPHA-D3Board - ASUS Maximus V FORMULA http://www.newegg.com/Pr...

Advised needed for new computer

Hi guys, it’s been a long while since I've done any research or looked into upgrading my PC but its long overdue and I'm looking for some advice. Well I'm not sure which route I want to go down but there are a few options I'm considering. I've been l...

jl808 by Level 7
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Asus Maximus v Formula build help.

Hello ROGers, i know that i have a thread about similar thing already but now i have a different budget for my build.Budget:S$3000(roughly US$2250)Main uses of intended build:Just gamingParts required:A whole computer, everything excluding monitor an...

Building my dream computer. Any advice would help!

Hello! First i'd like to say that i'm really stoked to find ROG and this website, and i'm excited to see that although this is my first jump into an enthusiant computer, that there is a living, breathing enthusiast community out there. With that said...

Matrix 7970 CF On Maximus IV Extreme

I wanted to do CrossFire with this card but after looking at the space I have between cards, I don't think I can. There's about 5mm between cards if I use slot 1 and 3. I was thinking of using slot 1 and 4 but I doubt that would work. I have a Therma...

Snaptrap by Level 10
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maximus v formula build! advice needed!

hey guys ive been looking to build a new pc and heres what ive got so far : i7 3770kmaximus v formulaASUS GeForce GTX 680 DirectCU II OC - 2 GB GDDR5 KINGSTON predator hyperx 2400 2x4gbCOOLER MASTER PSU PC Silent Pro M2 1000 W (RSA00-SPM2D3-EU) 9...

Case accessory problem

hello, i am aware that the ASUS Maximus V Formula needs an 8 and a 4 pin supplementary power but i want to get the NZXT Switch 810 case to house it and in it comes only one 8-pin extension and the power supply i am getting is a corsair AX750 and th...

i am getting confused on computer parts already!

Budget: SGD$2500(about US$1750, correct me if i am wrong)Main uses of intended build: Purely just for gaming and maybe schoolwork.Parts required: basically a full computer, no sound card and no monitorPrevious build information (list details of parts...