Motherboard upgrade?
Heya Changing Asus Maximus V formula too Asus Maximus VI formula worth it?
Heya Changing Asus Maximus V formula too Asus Maximus VI formula worth it?
Hello ROG peoples! I am about to upgrade my current PC and I wanted to see what you guys had to think about this. I have always built AMD system and never really thought of going to Intel. I was going to build one just to say I have but after doin...
hey guys , this is what I have chosen so far What do you think ?plz note . I will get a custom built water cooling for chipset and vid card in near future hence is why I take this case.the monitor , sh...
Considering my age and ebbing interest I am seeking advice on what will probably be my last gaming build. I would like to know which Intel board/cpu combo would have the most headroom for future proofing. I'll be using parts from the build in my sign...
Good Afternoon,First and foremost I just joined this forum to get advice/thought on my build as tom's hardware doesn't offer great advice Nonetheless, let's start!I am using this PC for Gaming, 3 Dimensional drawing, Photo/Video Editing, Burning blu-...
I've built computers for a long time but this is my first gaming computer build. I've got a gene VI with haswell i7 4770k , 32 gb 2800 ddr3 and dual geforce titan sli.Question: are there bios settings I should be using to maximize my sli setup?
HelloIsen't the 3 way sli bridge a special one for Asus Maximus VI Formula.Where do i buy it ?
Hey, i recently purchased a ROG maximus vi hero and i think it might have died. im not too sure because i still get pcie power and the start and reset led light up but the lighting around the supreme fx doesnt light up. when i try to power up, the fa...
Hello Roggers,My friend wants me to build a computer but he gave me 2 choices:MSI Z87-GD65 GAMING Asus Z87 Maximus 6 HeroAsus Z87 SabertoothI know i know I said 2 but the Asus Maximus 6 is what I think would be better for him but just wanted to confi...
Hi guys I wonder if you could help me out.I updated the bios off the Asus site for my Titan and it worked fine now it is at have purchased another card from Asus but it will not let me upgrade the Bios it's set at 80.10.2c.00.06I get ...