HiVizMan wrote:
The price of larger SSD is way better £/GB than smaller and performance is better with larger SSD to by the way. And you can not believe how quick you can fill a 250GB SSD mate. Seriously it is easy.
I have a 250 GB System drive, and it fills very fast. If you have Windows, it constantly adds more and more updates to everything, like Net Framework 1,2,3,4, etc. etc. If you use MS Office, then the updates really go nuts on using disk space. When I installed Windows 7 and MS-Office (plus my own stuff) I was using 14 GB. Now (with just Windows, Net Framework, Visual Framework and Office updates) I am using 28 GB!! Now I have my SSD optimized besides. IOW, I have System restore turned off ( I use Erunt) and Hibernation turned off, and Page file turned off. If I had a normal Windows system, by now I would be using about 80 GB of space on my SSD!! And the thing that really bugs me is that Windows NEVER DELETES ITS OLD CRAP. It just keeps adding and adding for as long as it takes to get another Service Pack. With Windows 7 it's been years since we got a Service Pack update. :mad:
Asus Maximus V Extreme BIOS 1903, see specs above avatar.
Asus G73 jh A1 laptop, BIOS 213, vBIOS OD2, 8 GB Ram, 240 GB Intel SSD, 180 GB Intel SSD. Win 7 Pro. Purchased new from in May 2010.
(both have 1920X1080 hd screens, mine above, hers below )
Asus G73 Sw XR1 laptop 8 GB Ram, 160 GB Intel SSD, 80 GB Intel SSD. Purchased used >Ebay 1/10/13, Did clean install of Windows 7