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Lumen GI on Rog Ally broken in UE5 games

Level 9

Hey guys, so I have been tracking this issue for a little while now and decided to make this post to make everyone aware of it.

I started to notice that UE5 titles on the Rog Ally can look really awful when compared to the exact same settings on any other device (including steam deck) .

I Have narrowed it down to the fact that Lumen global illumination just does not appear to work on the Rog Ally in any UE5 game. (driver bug?) I first noticed it in RoboCop: Rogue City, assumed it was just a bug in that game. Then again in Still wakes the deep. And since then I have been checking out as many UE5 games as I can on the ROG. It seems to Happen in every UE5 game on the Ally, with the exception being the few rare games you can disable Lumen GI in the options. Fortnight you can disable it and Silent Hill 2 remake you can enable full hardware ray-tracing for a pretty expensive fix for example.

This bug happens every time and on every Rog Ally, I have compared my experience with YouTube game play videos of the same levels and they all exhibit the same GI bug in videos dating back to the Rog Ally launch (so its not a new bug). I also discovered it affects the Legion Go too. so more a Z1E/780M issue rather than just a Rog Ally issue.

Anyway here are a few screenshot examples of what the bug looks like in action. It mainly affects indoor areas so its visual impact will vary from game to game and level to level. You can really see how drastically this can alter the appearance of game. and as more and more games are coming out now on UE5 I'm guessing more people will start to notice it. I'm already seeing more and more "lighting looks crap in X game on Ally" posts in various places.

hopefully if more people discover and speak out about this bug it can be fixed in a driver update.

Still Wakes the deep Desktop GPUScreenshot_1066.jpegScreenshot_1067.jpegScreenshot_1069.jpeg

Still wakes the deep same settings on rog Ally


Robocop Medium Settings desktop


RoboCop Same Settings - Rog Ally


Wukong desktop medium settings


Wukong same settings Rog Ally



Shouldn't ASUS be providing this feedback to Epic/AMD.  This really shouldn't be up to end users with no voice to hope devs take notice. When ASUS could litteraly pick up the phone and talk to them.

This is clearly an issue AMD/Epic need to figure out and to shift the responsibility to end users/individual devs is the most ineffective way this issue could possibly be tackled. 

I Agree Asus should have contacted AMD the moment it was reported
Not gona lie a new driver should be available by now 😞


Do you understand how unpleasant it is for us, the users, to hear this? Do you understand that if we ask the developers to do something one by one, nothing will be done, and your manager can call them and tell them that more than a certain number of your products have been sold and all of these are potential buyers and this needs to be fixed, and they will take your words seriously and will not send letters to the spam folder.
This is exactly the kind of response I was afraid of from you and predicted it in my posts above. In general, everything is clear, I will have to switch from the Windows operating system to bazzite, where this problem does not exist, and I have already realized the full power of your technical support. I want to swear, but I will not, because you do not care anyway.

You should redact your comment. In future when this issue blows up and trust me it will, you do not want this comment to be stated as an "official response from ASUS" on your website. Here's one and the only reason why you should, from an organizational stand point ; As an OEM manufacturer in the category of handheld gaming, this impacts all the Unreal Engine 5 games on your previous, current and all possible upcoming hardware. 

The reason you do not see a huge spike in complaints over this issue is because 90% of the users do not even know the Lumen GI is missing. As UE5 games become more widespread and when the users realize that all this while they were playing "broken" video games and the result is literally night and day especially after paying so much for the software, they will be not very happy. I wasn't when I realized after I was about 20% into silent hill and had to look it up because having played the original version knew it was not supposed to be so bright.

Do you see the enormity of this issue? Now the good part is your customers have already done the biggest legwork on this issue. They discovered the bug and a possible fix. Trust me, this is something that normally takes ages. Now it is your job to push it up your chain of command and have them contact your vendor i.e. AMD. I would start with them and have them deal with epic (Technically I wouldn't even consider this an issue with epic but more with AMD but I could be wrong) to sort this out instead of asking your customer to deal with it, and just chalk this off as another open ticket, close this thread to check off another issue resolved on list and move on. 

Again for your sake I hope you take it seriously before this gets blown up on twitter and reddit.


Level 10

I'm not very happy with the lack of driver support in general. 😞