I've got a question for those of you who play in Crossfire mode, or know something about it. I've never had this happen in any games before, even those that run Crossfire on Ultra or high end settings. Only this one,
Sniper Elite 4.
Whenever I run it, the Crossfire mode ramps up my system to a whopping 900W in power. I have a 1250W PSU on the system so that can handle it. Also my CPU temps never get high so cooling is fine. What happens is the GPU's are gobbling up massive resources to run this game. It's basically the same in Ultra mode or High settings, and I've played around with lowering other settings but the power still gets up there. I know it's the Crossfire mode because when I force the game to operate without it, then the systems run at around 550 Watts, which actually is still high anyway, but it runs there.
When I hit 900 Watts, my battery backup goes nuts because it's a 1500VA (900 Watt) UPS. That's the high end and it switches on and off, cutting off the game.
You can see my system on my specs. The cards are AMD Radeon R9 Fury (by Sapphire). I have tried the Radeon settings adjustments, and also tried using Wattman (AMD overclocking utility) to regulate the card power to actually -50%. Still does the same thing. Maybe I'm not setting up the Wattman correctly? Anyone use it and know how?
I'd like to run it in Crossfire if I can. Any advice out there from you professional gamers? I have never seen such massive power consumption from a game using Crossfire.