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What's Everyone Playing? Summer 2019 Edition

Level 11
Updating this thread to current year. 🙂

Feeling intense about your current gaming worlds? Feel free to contribute here with your new fav games and to show off your successes. Add some pizzazz with some gaming pics, videos, or whatever you like. There's lots of new and cool stuff out there, so what do you think is the best to play? Please share!


Personally I've been playing Conan Exiles recently, but when it comes to multiplayer games I'm more of a PVE type, given my limited time to play and consequently less polished gaming skills. However I do enjoy crafting quite a bit without interference so I wound up opening my own PVE server. Just me and my son play on it currently (Co-op mode has some disadvantages in this game). Conan could be better but it's a big world and the crafting depth is excellent, especially with all the DLC.


Level 11
Also ordered an Oculus Rift S, and should be receiving that either today or tomorrow. VR has moved to better development so I thought I'd give it a try.

Level 11
It's always been the Hitman series for me. Nothing else has caught my eye, yet.

Level 8
Dark Souls III
" The speed of the fallen one does not change..."


Level 11
I just spent $290 during the Steam summer sale. Needed some fresh stuff this week.

Due to the age of my current hardware, my gaming has been pretty low key this summer. I expect to fix that with a ROG build in progress.
The games I put the most time in this 2019 are:
Kerbal Space Program (a go to game for last 6-7 years)
Kenshi (spent almost as much time modding as playing)
Empyrion - Galactic Survival (though not as much lately)

I also enjoy PvE and crafting. Something may grab my attention now and then, but I always tend to end up back in a PvE RPG or other open world setting.

Looks like 2020 will be a better year for me. First I will have better gaming gear and the most anticipated game of all time is being released: Kerbal Space Program 2

Followed closely by Cyberpunk 2077 😉

I play rainbow six siege only and only.

Not applicable
the only game i play


I've been playing some oldies as of late such as Stalker: Clear Sky or Far Cry 2. I recently just purchased "Maximum Game" :cool: Yes Crysis, and on sale for the Trilogy. Looking forward to those titles.