So.... since I did performance metrics for
Folding@home, I'll also be collecting some data for you guys on games as well. The initial round will be for various games currently out, then once i get a nice database going, ill have a library of performances you can expect to see from our products.
Using Fraps, I was able to pinpoint min, max, and avg frames per second in various configuration. Most of the tests were done on stock speeds for both the CPU and GPU on Low, High, and Extreme default presets provided within the game at 1920x1080 resolution and with texture set at ultra for every test. 2 tests were done where you can see performance gains from overclocking just the CPU, and another just for the GPU. I have also included a comparison for G series notebooks.
Game/Level: StarCraft II; challenge mode; path of ascension. There are 3 phases to this level, but only phase 1 and 2 were recorded. Every test was conducted the same, 10 units in phase 1, the rest in phase 2. This gives us a pretty consistent measurement.
The platform was on a Rampage III Formula, ASUS GTX560TI DirectCU II, and 980x. The CPU was overclocked to 4Ghz, and GPU was overclocked from stock 830Mhz to 930Mhz OC.
G Series notebooks were at stock clocks Phase 1:
Screenshot proof:GTX560Ti/Rampage III Formula/980X: In phase 1 Low and High presets have a pretty big delta in frame rates compared to Extreme where overclocking either the CPU or GPU gave you marginal benefits.


Extreme Preset CPU OC, GPU OC, Stock

G74Sx-A1: It was odd but in Phase 1 Extreme mode, I saw lower FPS than Phase 2. This could be due to the Intel Turbo Boost fluctuating. I would recommend playing on Medium settings to ensure high FPS. I honestly cant tell that big of a difference in image quality to sacrifice performance. I also noticed a slight increase in performance when compared to the G53Sx but this could be due to the 192bit GPU in the G74Sx vs 128bit GPU in the G53Sx


G53Sx-A1 Like the G74Sx, I experienced the same thing for G53Sx. In Phase 1 Extreme mode, I saw lower FPS than Phase 2. This could be due to the Intel Turbo Boost fluctuating. I would recommend playing on Medium settings to ensure high FPS. I honestly cant tell that big of a difference in image quality to sacrifice performance. I also noticed a slight decrease in performance when compared to the G74Sx but this could be due to the 192bit GPU in the G74Sx vs 128bit GPU in the G53Sx


Phase 2:
Screenshot proof:GTX560Ti/Rampage III Formula/980X: In phase 2 the 560Ti DirectCU II closes the FPS gap when the game has a lot going on. CPU overclocking helped increase 12 FPS which was pretty impressive. Although the AVG FPS gain wasnt much on the GPU side, there was a 10FPS increase on the MAX FPS.


Extreme Preset CPU OC, GPU OC, Stock

G74Sx-A1: The G74Sx and G53Sx with medium settings which i felt was the ideal setting to be played had very similar performance despite the 192bit GPU vs 128bit GPU.


G53Sx-A1: The G74Sx and G53Sx with medium settings which i felt was the ideal setting to be played had very similar performance despite the 192bit GPU vs 128bit GPU.



Stay tuned for more benchmarks to come.