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Level 10
I just bought the last game I'm every going to buy. EA's Battlefield Hardline. $70 and it's unplayable cause of blue screens. The game isn't playing nice with Direct X. Game and drivers are up to date and I have zero problems with my PC. Just another crappy game. Like so many others. Tired of waiting 6 months for game developers or video card manufactures to work on patches and fixes to get these expensive games working properly. If they even do get them to work properly. And I'm tired of spending hours trying to figure out the problem. And they wonder why people pirate games. Sheesh!

Level 14
drop W10 its buggy to the moon and back and monitors all your files on your pc.

Level 10
I'm on Win 7. No intention of going to Win 10 until I'm forced too.

Level 14
they just started the CTE for BFHL so not shure when patches would be out.
personaly i think it shoulda be a DLC in the end enny way, close to no one plays it on pc.
what sort of bluescreen do you get? ( code )

Level 10
Not sure about the error code. Same one people on the game forums are getting. Related to DirectX. I've uninstalled the game. As far as I'm concerned if these game developer's can't put out a game that works right out of the box maybe they should start building fishing boats. Remember when you used to be able to download a playable demo to see how the game ran and if you liked it? They wouldn't dare do that now.

Level 14
tru, its anoying at times.
have you tried updating the direct x drivers? ( just a shot in the dark )

Level 10
DirectX and Microsoft Visual C+ are up to date. It's a game issue. But thanks for the input.

Level 40

Level 7
If you're getting a WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR when you BlueScreen, it usually means something is not getting enough Voltage. I don't know if you could see the error or not, but that could be a reason. If you're BSODing during gameplay, it could be a CPU overheat, Overclock Instability, Or just a display driver error. I had those a lot when I got my 980 Ti and after I updated the BIOS(Dated after Windows 10 release), the GPU BSOD stopped and hasn't come back yet.