I'm not thinking so, I purchased the whole package. The controller was a brick/solid very well build. The tablet, well it was a POS, sorry but the facts is the facts. It worked for 2 hours off of my 780ti, turned it off, got up in the AM would not boot. CS had me do the push 4 buttons at the same time, it booted, once the screen saver kicked in would not boot. I sent the whole thing back and New river or Wind river, whoever sells this out of MN took 60.00 bucks out for shipping. Thanks goodness for VISA, Wind River can argue with them over the 60.00. That wasn't my biggest issue, that would be the build quality was pathetic, I mean 69.00 special pathetic. The power button won't last, the edges of the screen actually cut my finger getting it out of the box, must be working on auto's makes my hands weak. The total feel of the unit just didn't make it in my book, not for the price. I think ASUS is going to have to step up the quality control and better components, I will never buy another ASUS tablet that's for sure.